Group Discussion – January 26, 2025


  1. Ask group members to share about a favourite vacation.


  1. Have you ever practiced a Sabbath? If so, how did it go? If you do one now, what does your Sabbath look like? If you were to try a Sabbath day, how could you structure it? If you already practice a Sabbath, what is one edit you would like to make?
  2. Re-read Mark 2:23-3:6; what stands out to you about it? Is a phrase or part of the Scripture drawing your attention? Take this as the Holy Spirit’s prompt. What might the Holy Spirit be saying to you about it?
  3. What about the practice of Sabbath is intriguing to you? What about it is a challenge? What could get in the way of practicing your Sabbath?
  4. Pastor Tim talked about busyness as an idol. How much is this true in your life? How can your small group pray for you in this?
  5. When will you take your next Sabbath? Share with the group for accountability and encouragement.
