- Ask group members to share about a favourite vacation.
- Have you ever practiced a Sabbath? If so, how did it go? If you do one now, what does your Sabbath look like? If you were to try a Sabbath day, how could you structure it? If you already practice a Sabbath, what is one edit you would like to make?
- Re-read Mark 2:23-3:6; what stands out to you about it? Is a phrase or part of the Scripture drawing your attention? Take this as the Holy Spirit’s prompt. What might the Holy Spirit be saying to you about it?
- What about the practice of Sabbath is intriguing to you? What about it is a challenge? What could get in the way of practicing your Sabbath?
- Pastor Tim talked about busyness as an idol. How much is this true in your life? How can your small group pray for you in this?
- When will you take your next Sabbath? Share with the group for accountability and encouragement.