- Open in prayer.
- Have you ever traveled to a different culture? If so, what was different about that culture? What was good, and what was challenging?
- Re-read Mark 1:1-15. Pastor Tim emphasized three important words/phrases in the opening verse: Good News, Messiah, and Son of God. What was important about each of these?
- Why was the introduction such a contradiction to the culture of the day? What do you think Mark’s intent was in portraying Jesus this way?
- What made Jesus baptism so important? (Hint: God the Father affirmed he was the Son of God).
- Why is it important to know who Jesus is as supposed to just knowing what he did?
- Pastor Tim talked about being loved by God simply because you are His. This reality means you have nothing to prove and nothing to protect. Ask the group to explain this in their own terms.
- In what ways do you try to prove your value or protect your value?
- What would it look like to apply the love of God in these areas? How might you open yourself up to the healing/forgiveness of God?
- The story ends with Jesus preaching repentance for the forgiveness of Sin. Repentance means to turn and follow the in the path God is leading you on. Sometimes we get stuck though.
- List some ways people get stuck when following Jesus.
- What ways are you stuck?
- What is one thing you can do to become unstuck? To whom will you be accountable for this?
- The group has likely shared some vulnerable things. Ask your people what they would like prayer for in regards to what they have shared and then pray for these things.