Brand New
Out with the Old, In with the New
Pastor Kirk, April 11, 2021
Read: Luke 5:33-39
Big Idea: Jesus invites you to see the world in a brand new way and start living in a brand new way.
Getting to Know Each Other (Start Here):
- What tradition does your family have?
Going Deeper:
- Is Jesus an additive in your life or have you let go and allowed his transformative power to free you?
- Read John 12:3-7. Judas was in Jesus’ company for years and was not made new, but Mary was. Can you think of any reasons why their experiences were so different?
- How are you trying to usher in the kingdom of heaven with the way you are living?
- In order for Jesus to transform us, we have to let go of the old. Why is that part so hard sometimes?
- Often the Gospel is presented like we are merely saving people from this earth. How does new creation in the here and now change the way we think about what Jesus’ mission was?
- How do you prepare for celebration? Do you anticipate connecting with Jesus the Bridegroom?
- How has encountering Jesus changed you?
- How have you let go of something broken in your life? How has this helped you embrace Jesus’ new way of living?
- Is there an area of your life that needs to be brought under the submission of Christ this week?
Apply it: Let your Community group that they can find extra resources in this area.
Spend time this week processing your experience with Jesus using the Prayer of Examen or Learning Circle.
Daily Prayer of Examen
The daily prayer of examen is an opportunity to reflect on your day and discover how God has been with you throughout your comings and goings. Ignatius of Loyola is the originator of this practice. He encouraged others to explore in reflection to see where God was at work in their lives and where they left God out. There is no “prayer” to follow; instead, there are guiding prompts so that you may develop your prayer with God as you reflect. I find that it is best to use the examen once or twice a day. If that seems too much, then I suggest meditating on what has transpired between the current examen and the previous one.
Give Thanks (Relish) – Start by thanking God. What did you relish?
- Thank you, Lord, for _____________. Thank you for _____________ that is provided through Jesus Christ.
Ask for Holy Spirit (Request) – Ask for Holy Spirit to fill you and direct your time so that you may be humble to receive and review.
- Fill me, Holy Spirit. Guide me through this time. Provide me with the grace and humility needed to see my day as you did, to see myself as you see me, and to see others as you see them.
Review and recognize Failures (Review) – Look back over your day and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to moments when you did not live for God’s glory. This is not a condemning time, but a time to admit mistakes and seek to live the Kingdom life in Christ.
- Holy Spirit, lead me to remember the moments that I did not live for your glory. Reveal to me the times when I slipped into the world’s ways and forgot that I live in your Kingdom by your grace.
Ask for Forgiveness and Healing (Repent) – If you have sinned, ask for forgiveness. If you made a mistake, ask for healing and the humility to seek healing with others.
- Lord, my God, please forgive me for _____________ by the blood of your Son Jesus, my lord and the only hope of salvation. Lord, help me forgive myself, for there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. Heal me in mind, body, and soul so that I may praise you.
Pray for the next day (Resolve) – Pray over the day to come. Pray that God would be glorified in each moment of your coming day. Pray for the meetings you will be in, the things you will put your hands to, and the relational moments before you.
- Lord God, I pray that you would go before me into each moment of the day to come. I desire to join you there to see you and serve those you lead me to. Lord, let each moment that I live be an act of worship and proclamation of your glory. May I see your Kingdom come, and your will be done in the day ahead.