Tell us about a time when you came home after an extended period away. What did you miss the most?
After reading the story of Hosea and Gomer, why do you think God resorted to such an extreme illustration to get the attention of his people?
Hosea 2:5 tells us where Gomer looked to find security apart from God. Why do you think Gomer is seeking security in these things? How does this help us to understand why Israel is rebelling against the Lord?
Where do you struggle to trust the Lord for security (i.e. a relationship, finances, career, etc.)?
What are some ways God has demonstrated to you that a light is always on for you to return home?
What could you do to respond to God’s invitation to draw near to Him these days (see Hebrews 10:19-22)?
Is there anything you could do that would let someone wandering from Jesus know just how valuable they are to him?