- Share a story of when you gave something (a gift or money) and how it blessed you.
- Read 2 Cor 9:6-15. What stands out to you? What resonates with you?
- How do you feel about generosity? How do you feel about tithing? Do you see a difference between the two? If so, describe the difference.
- Jesus speaks about money more than anything else. Why do you think he does this? Hint: Read Matt 6:19-24
- Pastor Tim shared a prayer of lament at the start of his message on Sunday. Do you resonate with this lament? If so, what do you resonate with? Is there something you would like to lament?
- 2 Cor 9 talks about giving out of ‘cheer’. Have you ever given this way? If so, describe the experience.
- What makes generosity important? What makes generosity a challenge?
- Take a moment to listen to Holy Spirit, asking what He would call you to in regards to generosity. What help might you need in order to do what Holy Spirit is leading you to?
- Share prayer requests.
- Pray for anything that came up in discussion and for the team going to the Alliance Global Gathering (leaving Feb 27, returning Mar 9).