- Open in prayer
- Share a favorite memory of serving.
- Share a time when someone served you in a meaningful way.
- When you hear the word ‘service’, what emotion first pops into your heart?
- What makes service so hard? Why do we resist it?
- Re-read the passage from Mark 10:32-45. What stands out to you? What resonates with you?
- Getting worldly power (Status, resources, position) is normative in our world today. Why is this so desirable for people?
- Pastor Tim talked about power and its allure. He used Denny Gunderson’s list of 5 ways to tell if you struggle with worldly power. Which one do you struggle with most and why?
- Status, Name Dropping, Defensiveness, Self-promotion, Using the end to justify the means
- If power is the temptation, service is the antidote. Scripture tells us that it is better to serve than to be served. What do you think your actions reveal about whether you believe this to be true?
- Christians often fall into two camps when it comes to service. Which camp do you usually fall into? For you, what does it look like to wrestle at the heart level with this?
- The two camps: 1. You serve but you feel taken advantage of if you serve too much. Resentment can often be present. 2. You struggle to serve because you are not convinced it is better.
- In what ways can you grow in service? Keep in mind that sometimes it means the act of serving, but sometimes it means paying attention to your heart posture and the motive behind serving.
- As you have shared today, ask for prayer based on what has come up. You can also pray for other prayer requests as needed.
Community Involvement
Good News Chapel is once again looking for individuals to serve their meal at 12:15 pm and to clean up afterwards. If your group is interested in doing this (it’s actually a lot of fun and build community with your group), please contact Pastor Murray at
Global Request
This week is the international week of prayer for the Sikh community. For many years, approximately 20% of Canada’s new immigrants have come from India, the majority of whom are Sikhs from the Punjab State. Many are coming to join family members, to pursue further studies, or to conform to the pressure of friends to become successful in the West. Nearly all find that life in Canada is a lot different and more difficult than they expected. Pray that these people would quickly make friends with Christians here in Canada and that through their transition, they would discover the beauty and hope found in Jesus Christ. Thank you for praying the blessing of salvation over these dear people.