For the last number of weeks we have been looking at three questions we all wrestle with:
Who am I?
Where do I belong?
What’s my purpose?
Over the course of our teaching series, we’ve learned some amazing truths about who we really are. We’ve learned that God chose us, that he created us for a purpose and that he wants us to be part of a radically inclusive group of people called the church. We’ve also learned that we have some things we need to do to put on our new identity and choose to live Spirit-filled lives.
As we wrap up our “Real You” series this weekend, there’s one last thing we need to know, one final thought we always need to remember. I hope you are planning to join us this weekend as we discover that God is on your side and wants to help you find out who you really are.
See you Sunday,
Pastor Kirk
Christmas Hampers
Many families have very practical needs both in our surrounding community and in Regina. As a church, we want to be people who provide for those needs. Living Hope is putting together Christmas hampers and we invite you to partner with us by bringing non-perishable items to the church and place them in the bin in the lobby by noon on Friday, December 16. The hampers will be delivered to families who have requested a Christmas hamper.
Christmas Services
Join us December 24 at 4 or 7 pm for an experience your whole family will enjoy. Our family candlelight service will feature music, story and an inspiring hope-filled message. Between services enjoy a celebration with activities for all ages along with a birthday cake to celebrate Jesus’ birth. Mark your calendar and plan now to be part of our Christmas celebration.
Upcoming Events
- December 11 Young Adults
- December 11 Global Leadership Volunteer Luncheon
- December 24 Christmas Eve Services
- January 13-15 Winter Youth Retreat
- February 3-5 Holy Spirit Encounter Weekend