Dear Brothers and Sisters,
It is now reaching the end of February – this means that this Board of Elders has met for the last time before the Annual General Meeting. Our elders generally serve for two consecutive 2-year terms – after which they come off the board. We want to thank Brad Crassweller, who has served the church faithfully for the last four years and will now be coming off the board. I personally have enjoyed Brad’s energy and “tell it like it is” approach – and above all that, his love for Christ Jesus and how that is displayed in what he does. I am sad to lose a friend from the board but I know that we will have new members added to the Board of Elders in March – and this is a good thing. Keep us in prayer.
You may remember that Pastor Kirk announced at the end of our service on February 21st that the brothers and sisters in our Filipino congregation were looking to join with Glencairn Alliance Church. This has now been confirmed – as of March 1st, Pastor Barry Bruce will begin serving as Glencairn Alliance Church’s pastor and the Filipino congregation will be joining Glencairn as well. The Filipino congregation’s last service in the Living Hope facility occurred on February 28th. We wish the fullness of God’s blessing on our sister church congregations as they meld together as one – may the Lord bless this union and let us remember to pray for them.
One of the things that Pastor Kirk has been starting to implement in our congregation over the past year, is an updated strategy for discipleship which the Board approved this past board meeting. At Living Hope we define discipleship as “living like Jesus would if Jesus was living your life, and helping others do the same.” In a sense, the strategy is a defining pathway for how we live and mature as Christians – and this thinking will affect how we worship together, and how ministries occur in the church, and how we reach the community. Are you skeptical? Excited? Can’t wait to get on board and get started? Can’t wait to find the nearest exit? These are normal reactions. Might I recommend that you attend our Annual General Meeting on March 13, 2016. This will be a great place to interact with the leaders about the direction of our church. Pray that God will be present as we assemble at this meeting and that he will build this church. (Psalm 127:1).
Blessings in Christ Jesus,
Mark Tymchak
Living Hope Board Secretary