Special Events
We believe God is guiding us into an exciting new chapter for Living Hope Alliance Church, and we value your insight, wisdom, and creativity. Focus groups are a wonderful opportunity to come together, share ideas, dream big, and explore the journey God has in store for us. Join a focus group and help shape the future of Living Hope Alliance Church. Your voice matters, and we can’t wait to hear from you!
Next round of Focus Group dates are at link below:
FamilyLife – Parenting Equipping Kit
Join us for a 6-week parenting class utilizing material from FamilyLife Canada, running Wednesdays from 6:30PM-8:00PM Feb. 26 to April 2!
Each week, we’ll tackle a different important question for parents.

Ramadan, the month of fasting for the Muslim world that begins on Feb 28, is marked by spiritual activity including fasting, sacrifice, and daily prayers.
If Muslim communities unite to call out to God, how much more should we as believers pray that God’s glory would be made known among the 1.9 billion Muslims on earth today?
Get your PDF guide to praying daily through Ramadan.
We will also outline the changing landscape of vocational ministry and invite your questions.
Register by April 9.

With worship, scripture, and a message of hope, this is a time for the Church community to come together in faith.
Services are at 9AM and 11AM here at Living Hope.
as we hear a Global Missions Update, more details from the Thailand Team, and a Ukraine Update.
Free waffle breakfast and paid lunch option are available. Sign up below!
Recurring Events
Join us Wednesday’s 6-8pm for our Midweek Kids Sports Club.
Develop skills, make friends, stay active!
Fun activities include Basketball, Hockey, Soccer and more!
Kindergarten to Grade 6
Register online at $35 per child which includes a water bottle, t-shirt, and Bible!

Ladies, gather together with other women to study God’s Word, to pray for each other, and to make last friendships. 9:30-11:30 am

Meal: Enjoy a yummy meal and great conversation with your table-mates. Cost is $8/adult and $4/children under 16. 5:15-6 pm
Youth: we have an amazing program of games, worship and teaching for those in Grade 6 and up. 6-8:30 pm.
During this time we play games, worship, learn from the Bible, and spend time in small groups discussing life with God.
To get more information, and to stay up to date on all things youth ministry related click the button below to join our Youth App.
If you’d like info please click the button below.