This weekend we will celebrate Palm Sunday. Do you know what this is all about? Palm Sunday celebrates the anniversary of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem at the start of Passover week. This is such an important moment that all four Gospel authors write about this event in great details – there is much more going on than just a bunch of people waving branches. I hope you’ll join us this Sunday as we explore Mark 11:1-11 and discover why Jesus’ triumphant entry still matters to us today.
This Sunday also marks the beginning of Holy Week, a time we set aside each year to remember Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and the hope his resurrection gives us. The week will begin with our celebration of Palm Sunday. On Wednesday, we will be showing “A Long Walk to the Cross”, a dramatic recitation of the Gospel of Mark filmed outside of Drumheller, AB. The movie will begin at 6:45 pm in the green room. On Friday at 10:30 am we will be holding our annual Good Friday service. Pastor Daniel will be speaking on Good Friday, leading us through this contemplative service where we will celebrate communion and reflect on the sacrifice Jesus made for us. Then on Sunday, we will celebrate the resurrection with singing, a performance from the kid’s choir, and by exploring Mark 16 as we wrap up our ‘Marks of the Messiah’ sermon series. I hope you’ll plan now to be a part of these celebrations.
See you Sunday,
Pastor Kirk
Are You Interested in Becoming a Member of Living Hope?
Have you been attending Living Hope for a while? Would you like to make Living Hope your home? Join us on Sunday, April 28th for lunch and discover what being a member of Living Hope is all about. Living Hope 101 is our membership class that begins with lunch and runs for 90 minutes. You’ll find out about our mission and vision, what we believe, and how you can make Living Hope your home. To attend Living Hope 101, please RSVP to Marg in the church office at marg@mylivinghope.ca.
Coming Events
April 14 | Plan to Protect Training |
April 14 | Young Adults |
April 17 | A Long Walk to the Cross (a dramatic recitation of the Gospel of Mark – Movie) |
April 19 | Good Friday Service |
April 21 | Resurrection Sunday Celebration |
April 28 | Connect Lunch |
April 28 | Living Hope 101 – Membership Class |
May 3-5 | ‘The Collective’ – Young Adults Retreat |
May 10 | Trailblazers’ (50+) Supper |
May 11. June 8 | Marriage Preparation Course |
May 24-25 | Breakaway Camp |
June 2 | Global Leadership Summit Sunday |
July 29-August 2 | Kids Camp – “Journey to Athens” |