News & Announcements
Masks Required at all Services
On Thursday September 16, 2021 the provincial government announced a public health order requiring masks to be worn all persons in public spaces. As a result, masks will be required to be worn in all of Living Hope’s gatherings. Masks must be worn at all times during our 8:30 am worship gathering, PrayFirst and 10:30 am worship gathering as well as during MidWeek.
For those who do not want wear a mask when worshiping we offer our worship gathering live online at 10:30 am and on-demand beginning Sunday afternoons. Go to or search Living Hope Regina on YouTube.
Our Hope Kids programs have started up again, and so has the team of teens and grown-ups who hang out with those kids each week! We are looking for more volunteers to join us on Sunday mornings and/or Wednesday evenings to help our kids become what Jesus envisions. There are openings in various age groups. Please email to join us or to learn more.
Sunday Morning Hope Kids
Our Hope Kids in-person programs are running during the 10:30 am service! Kids grades 4 and under can bring a grown-up to the Check-In hallway and one of our volunteers will show you which classroom your age group is meeting in.
MidWeek // Wednesdays // 6:45 – 8:15 pm
MidWeek is an evening of discipleship for kids, youth, and adults conveniently on the same night. It is a moment in the middle of your week to be together with family and friends to worship God, grow in your faith, and just breathe. visit for details on everything running at MidWeek this fall and to register for classes.
Matthew 21:13 says that the church is to be a house of prayer. We want to make prayer the cornerstone of everything we do at Living Hope. We have seen God moving in powerful ways through the faithful prayer of his people. Join us every Sunday morning for corporate prayer as we seek to hear God’s voice and boldly pray for His will to be done here.
“Father, by your Spirit, draw us close and create in us an unquenchable desire to sit at your feet and hear the whisper of your voice before all else.”
Annual General Meeting // Sunday, September 26 // 3:00pm
Our 2020-21 Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday, September 26 at 3:00 pm. Living Hope’s Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements for 2020-21 are available on the church website or for pickup at the church.
Ladies Bible Study // Wednesdays beginning September 22 // 9:30 – 11:30 am
Ladies, do you want to study the Bible together with others who are on the journey of faith? Join other women at the church each Wednesday to study “Now that Faith has Come – A Study on Galatians by Beth Moore” to fully embrace God’s brilliant design for us to live a fruitful, abundant, meaningful life. For more information, please email
Trailblazers (50+) // September 30 // 6:00 pm (Malaysian Cuisine)
You are invited to the Trailblazers (50+) supper on September 30 at 6:00 pm. Come and enjoy Malaysian cuisine; Elaine Ong will share her testimony. The cost is $15. Tickets will be available in the foyer on September 19th, and 26th.
Moms and Tots // Thursdays beginning September 23 // 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Moms – do you want to learn and grow with your little ones while connecting with other moms? Join our Moms and Tots group in the lounge every Thursday to share ideas, ask questions, and receive support. Playspace for the littles and coffee for the moms will be available. For more information, email
Call to Prayer // Wednesdays // 8:00 – 10:00 am
Jesus said God’s house should be a place of prayer for all nations (Mk 11:17). The church auditorium will be open every Wednesday morning from 8:00-10:00 am to provide a space to pray for the concerns of our world and community. Come spend time with the Lord boldly approaching the throne of grace in our time of need (Heb. 4:16) before going to work or starting the activities of your day.
We Are Hiring!
We are looking for a part-time custodian to join our team. The part-time custodian will provide evening and weekend support to rental and events groups while performing routine custodial maintenance. Some tasks may include cleaning windows, cleaning washrooms, and emptying the garbages. Preference will be given to those who attend Living Hope. For more information on the position, please click here.
Please submit resumes to: Attn: Kevin Sykes
Young Adults // September 26 // 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Young adults (18-30 years old) gather on the last Sunday of every month at Living Hope to fellowship with one another, reflect on biblical teaching and find opportunities to serve those beyond our church community. We will play a game and have someone share about what they learned from the Sunday message.
Discipleship Foundations 1 // September 8 – October 6 // 6:45 – 8:15 pm
Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” In this class, we will explore the answer to this question and how this question changes our lives, choices, and responses to everyday situations.
Leadership Essentials 1 // September 8 – October 6 // 6:45 – 8:15 pm
What is leadership? Does it have anything to do with titles, positions, or education? A basic definition is that leadership is influence. Using this influence to empower and inspire others towards wholeness and holiness is the mark of someone following the Jesus Way. Join Pastor Kirk to learn more about becoming a leader who creates a better future for those who follow you.
Financial Update: to September 12, 2021
Fund | YTD Goal | YTD Giving | Over (Short) |
Ministry | $169,231 | $164,185 | ($5,046) |
Missions | $22,526 |
$21,703 |
($823) |
Compassion | $6,346 | $8,192 |
$1,846 |
Going Beyond | Campaign Goal: $1.2m | To Date: $640,641 |
Ways to Give
The easiest way to give to Living Hope during this time is by visiting our online giving page. If you would prefer to give by cash or cheque, please mail your gift to 3800 Green Falls Drive, Regina, SK S4V 3T6, or call the office (306-352-4673) to drop it off between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm.
Office Hours
The church office is open Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.