Bulletin – November 28, 2021

News & Announcements

Public Health Orders

Due to the new Covid-19 restrictions and Public Health Orders, food and drink is no longer permitted in the facility during Sunday worship services. Masks continue to be mandatory at all times while indoors.

December 5 Worship Gathering
During our 10:30 am service on December 5, we will celebrate Pastor Daniel’s approval for ordination.  We will also say goodbye to Chandra, Colin, and Daniel by commissioning them for the next step in their journey of becoming who Jesus envisions. Please note: There will be no 8:30 am service on December 5. There will also no longer be a reception following the service due to the most recent COVID-19 public health order.

Board of Elders Report
The Board of Elders provides monthly reports for your information. To view the October report, please click here.

Arcola School Christmas Gift Bags
Once again during this season of giving, we’ll be providing gift bags for children at Arcola Community School who may not otherwise receive a gift this Christmas. Starting November 28th there will be small blue or white scrolls with gift instructions on the tree in the lobby. Feel free to choose one of the age categories and purchase some of the suggested items. Please drop off your gifts at the church by Dec12th so we can get them to the school for distribution. Thank you for your kindness and generosity! If you have any questions, please call the church office at 306-352-4673 or email info@mylivinghope.ca.


Journaling & Prayer
Wednesdays, November 24 – December 1, 6:45 pm – 8:15 pm (in-person)
As the church, we are blessed with the recorded prayers from the Bible and with written prayers of those who have journeyed with Jesus before us. Join Pastor Colin in this three-week class to discuss and practice writing prayers of adoration, thanksgiving, and lament.

Discipleship Basics // Wednesdays // November 24 – December 8 // 6:45 pm (in-person)
Have you ever wondered how you go about discipling someone? Join Pastor Kirk in our Discipleship Basics class and discover what discipleship is and how you can help the people around you grow closer to Jesus. You’ll receive practical tips and tools to help you become a disciple who makes disciples who make disciples.

Drive-Thru Nativity // December 2-5 // 6:30 – 8:30 pm // Dallas Valley Ranch Camp
From the warmth of your vehicle, enjoy scenes and an audio track of the Christmas story showcasing the incredible events that God orchestrated to bring His Son to earth! Dec. 2, 3, 4, & 5, 6:30-8:30 PM each night at Dallas Valley Ranch Camp. For more info, go to dallasvalley.com/nativity.

PrayFirst // Sunday Mornings // 9:40 am
Matthew 21:13 says that the church is to be a house of prayer. We want to make prayer the cornerstone of everything we do at Living Hope. We have seen God moving in powerful ways through the faithful prayer of his people. Join us every Sunday morning for corporate prayer as we seek to hear God’s voice and boldly pray for his will to be done here.

“Father, by your Spirit, draw us close and create in us an unquenchable desire to sit at your feet and hear the whisper of your voice before all else.”

Call to Prayer // Wednesdays // 8:00 am – 10:00 am
Jesus said God’s house should be a place of prayer for all nations (Mk 11:17). The church auditorium will be open every Wednesday morning from 8:00-10:00 am to provide a space to pray for the concerns of our world and community. Come spend time with the Lord, boldly approaching the throne of grace in our time of need (Heb. 4:16) before going to work or starting the activities of your day.

MidWeek // Wednesdays // 6:45 pm – 8:15 pm
MidWeek is an evening of discipleship for kids, youth, and adults conveniently on the same night. It is a moment in the middle of your week to be together with family and friends to worship God, grow in your faith, and just breathe. visit mylivinghope.ca/midweek for details on everything running at MidWeek this fall and to register for classes.

Midweek meals have been suspended due to COVID-19 restrictions until further notice.

Moms & Tots // Thursdays // 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Moms – do you want to learn and grow with your little ones while connecting with other moms? Join our Moms & Tots group in the lounge every Thursday to share ideas, ask questions, and receive support. Playspace for the little ones and coffee for the moms will be available. For more information, please email info@mylivinghope.ca.

Financial Update: to November 21, 2021

Fund YTD Goal ($) YTD Giving ($) Over (Short) ($)
Ministry 323,077 296,395 (26,682)
Missions 43,004



Compassion 12,115 12,216


The easiest way to give to Living Hope during this time is by visiting our online giving page. If you would prefer to give by cash or cheque, you can visit our giving station in the lobby on Sunday mornings, mail your gift to 3800 Green Falls Drive, Regina, SK S4V 3T6, or call the office (306-352-4673) to drop it off between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm.

Office Hours
The church office is open Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.
