News and Announcements
Men and Women of Influence
Who has positively influenced you here at Living Hope? We are looking for brief video statements of how a man or woman has blessed your life. Perhaps that’s someone in a new friendship or a teacher from days gone by. Maybe that’s your parent or close friend. If you are interested in participating in our Women of Influence or Men of Influence moments, email
Mom’s Morning
Learn, play, and grow with your little while connecting with other moms at our Moms and Tots group. Join the fun on Wednesday mornings at 9 am in the nursery here at the church to build friendships and to gain wisdom and support on your parenting journey.
Teams Needed
We all know the saying, “Many hands make light work”, right? For some upcoming events here at Living Hope, many hands are needed! On Sunday, June 11, is our all church BBQ, and on Tuesday, June 27, we are hosting 400+ kids and staff from Arcola Community School for a hot dog lunch. These events need willing people to plan, set up, clean up, welcome guests, and more! Think about where you can serve with your gifts and abilities then email to sign up.
Weekly Reading:
Over the next few months our weekly reading plan will be based on our sermon series “The Story”. Read through these chapters in preparation for next Sunday’s message.
- The Story Chapter 18
- Daniel 1-3, 6
- Jeremiah 29-31
Equipping You // May 17
Join us on Wednesday, May 17, for a dessert time with Joyce Aitken, author of Sincere Condolences, as she shares her story of and insights into the journey of grief. If you have experienced loss of any kind, or if you wish to provide compassionate support to others experiencing loss, please join us at 6 pm to have dessert, browse available resources, and hear our guest speaker at 7 pm. RSVP online at
Fresh Start Salad Supper // May 26
Ladies, with spring upon us, let’s come together to enjoy each other’s company as well as some yummy salads as we hear about what’s happening around Living Hope for women of all ages! Invite a friend to join you and register online at to join us on Friday, May 26, at 6 pm. Tickets are $15 per person.
Discovering Your Ministry // May 29
God has uniquely designed all of us with spiritual gifts, talents, natural aptitudes, life experiences and passions. He has also designed a specific place where we can serve Him with all of this! Are you curious to see where you fit in the many ministries of Living Hope? Discover Your Ministry is a class taught by Al Fedorak on Monday May 29th from 7-9. Go to and sign up. Come, explore and discover the place God has for you.
Financial Update: to May 7, 2023
Fund | YTD Goal ($) | YTD Giving ($) | Over (Short) ($) |
Ministry |
722,596 | 702,551 | (20,045) |
Missions | 96,346 | 89,022 |
(7,324) |
Compassion | 25,962 | 31,124 |
5,162 |
Building | 85,405 | 73,236 |
(12,169) |
Ways to Give
The easiest way to give to Living Hope is by visiting our online giving page. If you would prefer to give by cash or cheque, you can visit our giving station in the foyer on Sunday mornings, mail your gift to 3800 Green Falls Drive, Regina, SK S4V 3T6, or drop it off between 10:00 am – 3:00 pm Monday to Thursday.