News & Announcements
Sunday Worship Gatherings – Changes for the New Year
We have returned to one service at 10:30 am on Sunday mornings.
December Board of Elders Report
To see the December Board of Elders Report, please click here.
Encounter // Saturday // February 5 // 9:00 am – 9:00 pm
Do you long for a more intimate relationship with God? Have you ever wondered what it looks like to live a Spirit-empowered life? Then Encounter is for you! Join us on February 5 as we discover how to live in the presence and power of Holy Spirit. Click here to register.
Reading through the Bible in 2022
Join us in 2022 as we read through the entire Bible in a year. Each week we’ll provide you with 5 readings consisting of 3-4 passages each. Readings are linked to weekdays which allows you the weekend to catch up if you fall behind. You can download the complete reading plan or watch the bulletin each week for this week’s readings.
- Jan. 3 – Gen 1–2, Ps 19, Mark 1
- Jan. 4 – Gen 3–5, Mark 2
- Jan. 5 – Gen 6–8, Ps 104, Mark 3
- Jan. 6 – Gen 9–11, Mark 4
- Jan. 7 – Gen 12–15, Ps 148, Mark 5
PrayFirst // Sundays // 9:30 AM
Matthew 21:13 says that the church is to be a house of prayer. We want to make prayer the cornerstone of everything we do at Living Hope. We have seen God moving in powerful ways through the faithful prayer of his people. Join us every Sunday morning at 9:30 am for corporate prayer as we seek to hear God’s voice and boldly pray for his will to be done here.
MidWeek will be back in 2022
MidWeek will return on Wednesday, January 12 with programs for kids, youth, and adults. For adults, Pastor Kirk will be leading a three-week study on Ephesians 4:1-16 exploring what it means to be an Ephesians 4 leader.
Financial Update: to December 19, 2021
Fund | YTD Goal ($) | YTD Giving ($) | Over (Short) ($) |
Ministry | 384,615 | 367,349 | (17,267) |
Missions | 51,195 |
62,569 |
11,374 |
Compassion | 14,423 | 17,893 | 3,470 |
Ways to Give
The easiest way to give to Living Hope during this time is by visiting our online giving page. If you would prefer to give by cash or cheque, you can visit our giving station in the foyer on Sunday mornings, mail your gift to 3800 Green Falls Drive, Regina, SK S4V 3T6, or call the office (306-352-4673) to drop it off between 11:00 am – 3:00 pm.
Office Hours
The church office is open Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.