News & Announcements
Sunday Worship Gatherings – Changes for the New Year
Beginning on December 26th, we will return to one service at 10:30 am on Sunday mornings. We will continue to abide by provincial health orders and will provide updates as necessary. There will be no PrayFirst on December 26. PrayFirst will resume on January 2nd with a new start time of 9:30 am.
Public Health Orders
Due to the new Covid-19 restrictions and Public Health Orders, food and drink are no longer permitted in the facility during Sunday worship services. Masks continue to be mandatory at all times while indoors.
Christmas Eve // December 24 // 4:00 pm & 6:00 pm
Join us this Christmas Eve for one of our services designed with the whole family in mind! There will be carols, candles, special music, a kid’s feature, and more! Childcare is provided for ages 0-3. Be sure to invite your friends and family! Stay after the 4:00 pm service to celebrate Jesus’ birthday with holiday activities.
Family Craft for Stage Design
Looking for a fun activity to do this holiday? We have an easy craft that will be used for our stage design in January! We’re going to create a large “stained glass” mural using melted crayon stained glass art. Take 2 pieces of wax paper cut to a 12×12″ square (or bigger), cover one with crayon shavings using a pencil sharpener, place the other piece on top and iron them together to melt the crayon. Please use one colour per square. Make as many as you like and bring them to the church by January 2nd – the more the better! Click here for a video tutorial.
There will be no PrayFirst on December 26.
MidWeek will be back in 2022
MidWeek is taking a break for Christmas and will return on Wednesday, January 12 with programs for kids, youth, and adults.
For adults, Pastor Kirk will be leading a three-week study on Ephesians 4:1-16; we will explore what it means to be an Ephesians 4 leader.
Financial Update: to December 12, 2021
Fund | YTD Goal ($) | YTD Giving ($) | Over (Short) ($) |
Ministry | 369,231 | 352,754 | (16,477) |
Missions | 53,428 |
61,788 |
12,641 |
Compassion | 13,846 | 14,843 | 997 |
Ways to Give
The easiest way to give to Living Hope during this time is by visiting our online giving page. If you would prefer to give by cash or cheque, you can visit our giving station in the foyer on Sunday mornings, mail your gift to 3800 Green Falls Drive, Regina, SK S4V 3T6, or call the office (306-352-4673) to drop it off between 11:00 am – 3:00 pm.
Year-End Giving
Friday, December 31 is the last day to make a gift and have it counted toward your 2021 charitable donations. If you plan to make your gift through the mail, please be sure that it is postmarked no later than December 31, 2021. The church office will be open on December 31 from 9:00 am until 12:00 pm to receive any gifts in person. You can make a donation online until 11:59 pm, December 31 at
Office Hours
The church office is open Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.
Holiday Office Hours
Friday, December 24 Office Closed
December 25 – 30 Office Closed
Friday, December 31 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Monday, January 3 Office re-opens 9:00 am – 4:00 pm