Have you ever stopped to think how Holy Spirit is working in your life to transform you to become what He envisions for you? When the Board has met, we have started with praise and thanks to God for the many things that are happening at Living Hope. We are so very thankful for our church community and each person who comprises that. We can see transformation and spiritual growth. We have been in transition along with our new pastor, Tim Busse, as we get to know him and how he desires to set up his ministry.

We praise God for:

-The continued response of monetary sacrificial giving to meet or exceed our budget.

– The response from many to volunteer in the Children’s Ministry area and for our Easter weekend, the Sandwich Crew ministry, the Compassion Food needs.

– The growing numbers who check out Pray First to experience many blessings, a deeper understanding of a powerful prayer life, many answers to prayer and fellowship with other believers.

– The parents who took the Parenting Class who gained confidence; those taking the Discipleship class who will share their faith with renewed passion; for each small group studying God’s word each week.

Staff Transitions/Changes:

Long time staffer, Marg Dowkes, has taken a well-earned retirement. We wish her well as she takes time to discover many new adventures.

Rowena Arendt has resigned as Worship Arts Pastor effective April 30, 2024. We thank Rowena for her love of worship and devotion to growing our worship teams. We wish Rowena the best that God has for her future and thank her for her service to Jesus and to Living Hope.

Following consultation with a Human Resources consultant, the position of Executive Assistant to Pastors Tim Busse and Shauna Archer has been filled by Cameron Liske. It is anticipated his assistance will allow both pastors freedom to focus more on their specific area of ministry.

The Worship Arts Pastor job has been posted on our website. Please pray for the right person to join our Living Hope team.

Ministry focus – Pastor Tim Busse and Melissa have been invited by our National Alliance President to attend a seminar in London, England discovering the latest use of the Alpha Course for church ministry. Pray they learn much in their time there bringing it back to us to learn how to share Jesus more effectively in our community.

As a board we covet your prayers as we seek to govern well and become all that Jesus envisions. May you know the love of Jesus who gave his life for us to celebrate Easter with joy. He has risen indeed!

Your Board of Elders,
Wayne B, Tim B, Shelley P, Jason P, Deji, Lola, Shannon, Gwendolyn.
