The Board of Elders met on Tuesday, June 28, 2022.
Our Fiscal Year End is June 30, 2022, and our new year begins July 1, 2022. With that in mind, the Board devoted time to reviewing and approving the proposed budget for 2022-2023. The budget will be presented at the Annual General Meeting on September 25, 2022. It is a prudent budget plan with minimal growth because of the impact of COVID on attendance and giving and the instability and inflation in the economy.
This past winter, the Upper Room in the Youth Area experienced water damage. After careful examination and consultation with engineers, it was determined that it has resulted from condensation build-up because of faulty construction when the building was initially constructed. The issue is similar to issues experienced and corrected in another portion of the youth area in 2014. As was the case in 2014, the problem is being resolved with the application of spray foam insulation, after which the damage will be repaired. Funds have been set aside in the Facility Maintenance portion of the Ministry Fund to cover this expense. The project is expected to be completed by September 1.
The Nominating Committee has been meeting over the summer to consider nominees for leadership positions at Living Hope for the 2022-23 year. These names will be presented at the Annual General Meeting in September. Rick Orban will be stepping off the Board at the end of September. The Board affirmed its 2019 decision to have the Board consist of 6 elected members plus the lead pastor. As a result, there will be one board position open that the nominating committee will seek to fill.
Kevin Gatschene asked the Board to review the matter of a perceived conflict of interest related to his wife Karen’s employment at Living Hope as Children’s Ministry Director. The Board acknowledges the issue, but does not think it disqualifies him from serving on it. However, Kevin will step down as the chair of the Board after the church’s Annual General Meeting and serve as a member at large.
The Board did not meet in July but will meet again on August 23.
Your Board of Elders:
Kevin Gatschene (Chair) Kirk Cowman (Lead Pastor)
Rick Orban (Vice-Chair) Deji Oyetuga
Shannon Vinter (Treasurer) Lola Sotomi
Gwendolyn Schroeder (Secretary)