In a day and age where you can “Google” anything, Bruce Lee made this statement, “Knowledge will give you power, but character will give you respect.”
At our recent board meeting we studied the importance of growing in our character. We looked at how we could initiate growth in it and continue to grow in spite of difficulties and perhaps even suffering. Several reasons to grow our character were given to encourage and motivate us. To initiate growth, we were to choose a trait in one of four areas, (emotions, behaviors, speech and thought). As we continuously examine a character trait, and commit ourselves to growing in that area, it would be our desire that we would be more mature leaders reflecting God’s character through us.
We reviewed “MAPs” (Ministry Action Plans) for the coming year. Each pastor submitted a ministry plan for the next year and goals for the next 3 years. Ministry Plans included Youth, Young Adults, Worship Arts, Groups, Missions, Compassion, Children and Families, 50+, Prayer and Operations. 2 Chronicles 27:6 says that Jotham became mighty because he prepared his ways before the Lord his God. With a goal of making an impact on our neighbourhood, on our city, and even globally, it was encouraging to see progress in these various ministries.
Often these ministries give a report at our Annual Meeting in March. 2018 will be a unique year, as we will have 2 annual meetings. Just like the “school year” has a different schedule than the calendar year, we as a church decided to plan and project based on the “ministry year” (July 1 to June 30). More information will come regarding the changes. It is great to praise the Lord looking back over the year, but it is equally wonderful to praise Him for what He will do in the future.
It is our desire to be Godly servants to Him and His church. Should you have any questions, we would be glad to talk with you. Moving ahead TOGETHER.
Board of Elders
Wayne Bernakevitch – Chair Bassim Khyzm
Mark Stefan – Vice Chair Abe Toews
Kevin Wilson – Secretary Howard Wiebe
Ed Beggs – Treasurer David Wintemute
Kirk Cowman – Lead Pastor