Board of Elders Report – June 2017

It was once said that to be part of a GREAT church, we need to obey the GREAT commandment (Matthew 22:37-38) and live out the GREAT commission (Matthew 28:19-20).   Here at Living Hope, we symbolize those verses as a triangle, with the points being “UP, IN, and OUT”.  UP refers to our growing relationship with God, IN refers to ministering to each other within the church, and OUT refers to reaching out into our community so that we may introduce Jesus to them.

At our recent board meeting, we were given information and made decisions relating to the three points – UP, IN and OUT.

Pastor Peter gave a report on various “IN” ministries in the church.   There are several active leaders ministering in the small group ministry, the Alpha ministry, and Alpha Marriage ministry.  On Sunday mornings, there is a welcoming atmosphere with greeters at the door, coffee being served to you in the lobby, and a team of ushers in the auditorium.  There is excitement in the Young Adult ministry as it continues to grow spiritually and numerically.   If you want to be involved in these ministries, fill out a green card in the service today, send an email to, or give him a call at 306-352-HOPE, extension 15.  As we serve together, we will grow in our relationship with others and in our relationship with God.

As part of our focus on training new leaders and facilitating spiritual formation after high school, we approved a financial grant to Shaya Arendt and Liam Cowman, as they enter post-secondary studies at Briercrest College & Seminary at Caronport, SK.

Pastor Kirk told us about “Summer at the Movies (Top Ten)”, a teaching series focused on the Ten Commandments. A series on the book of James is planned for fall.

A ‘Holy Spirit Encounter’ weekend is scheduled for September 29th and 30th.   This will help you grow in your “UP” relationship with God.

In the lead pastor’s report, we were informed of a developing relationship with Arcola Public School and how we can reach OUT and minister there.   If you wish to serve in that area., contact Pastor Shauna at the church – extension 26, or

As part of our focus on reaching OUT to our community, we discussed new church signs for Arcola Avenue as well as the east entrance from Green Falls Drive.   At the July board meeting we will make a final decision on the new signs.  We expect to have the Arcola Avenue entrance sign in place by this fall.

As part of our focus on reaching OUT to our community, we discussed new church signs for Arcola Avenue as well as the east entrance from Green Falls Drive.   At the July board meeting we will make a final decision on the new signs.  We expect to have the Arcola Avenue entrance sign in place by this fall.

Pastor Kirk led the elders in a discussion of the last chapter of “Building a Discipling Culture”, written by Mike Breen and the 3DM team.   Using Luke 10:5,6 we discussed how we could reach out by identifying a “person of peace”.   As we are sensitive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, He will guide us through various levels of discovering those who are being prepared by Him.  We were encouraged to read and discuss the book with our wives.  We came away strengthened and encouraged from reading and discussing this book.

For His glory and our joy,

Wayne Bernakevitch – Chair                      Bassim Khzym

Mark Stefan – Vice Chair                           Abe Toews

Kevin Wilson – Secretary                          Howard Wiebe

Ed Beggs – Treasurer                                David Wintemute

Kirk Cowman – Lead Pastor
