Are you ready to get practical?

Are you ready to get practical? 

We are over halfway through our series “Everyday Rhythms,” and some may be thinking, “When are we going to get on with actually doing something?” This week we explore the first of the two “S’S,” in B.L.E.S.S. They are immensely practical and something you can physically do.  Everything we’ve been doing over the last four weeks has been building to this point. Now, are you ready to get practical?

This week Pastor Colin will lead us in looking at the first “S” as we consider how to bless the people around us by “Serving with Love.” Together, we will explore how to serve the people God has called us to bless by doing something tangible for them at their greatest point of need.

I don’t know about you, but I am often guilty of trying to bless people at my greatest point of convenience. When I think about Jesus, though, I see him serving and blessing people differently.  When I consider what Jesus did for us, I quickly realize that he served us at our greatest point of need and his greatest moment of discomfort. Maybe that’s what serving with love is all about – finding someone’s greatest point of need and blessing them there, even if it’s inconvenient for me. 

I hope you’ll join us this Sunday as Pastor Colin digs deep into what it means to serve with love and how we can become a blessing to the people around us.

See you soon,

Pastor Kirk

PS…have you heard? We’ve added a second service. Due to demand through February (where we maxed out our capacity according to health restrictions), we’ve added a 9 am service to Sunday mornings. Now you can worship in-person at 9 or 10:30 am. Registration is required. To register for March 7, please click here.
