Acts 7

by Kevin Gatschene

Today we will be looking at Acts 7.

At the end of Chapter 6 we see someone bearing false witness against Stephen, saying that he (Stephen) was speaking against the temple and the Law of Moses.

When confronted by the high priest about these accusations, Stephen didn’t answer with a defense for himself. Instead he recalled the history of Israel, a history of God’s promises to Abraham and to Moses. He reminded them of their repeated rejections of men whom God had chosen. Whether it was Abraham, Moses, David, or even Jesus himself, the people of Israel rejected them all. Still God’s mission continued…. God continued to raise up one prophet after another, one leader after another. He will continue to do so until His mission is accomplished.

Like Stephen, we don’t need to be defensive when we are confronted about our faith. God is in control of every situation and we are to stay true to Jesus’ teaching.

What situations from your past might give you encouragement to act boldly like Stephen?

What situation are you facing today that you need to trust to God for, and then boldly move forward?
