by Warren Mills
Today’s reading is taken from Acts 6 with the main focus on verses 1-7.
Have you ever been a on a team where you felt short-handed? It’s frustrating isn’t it? Both to the team and those watching or waiting on the team.
In today’s scripture we see that the apostles have run into a problem. The problem they faced was to find a way to care for two different groups of widows. The apostles could have fixed the problem, but their skills could be better used in different areas. With not enough people helping on their team, the other important work that they were gifted to do was not getting done efficiently or effectively. The work of the apostles included prayer and teaching of the word.
The apostles found people with the right gifts to help with the other needs of the church. When everyone used their God-given gifts, it allowed the apostles to focus on prayer and the teaching of the word. A healthy church body cannot function by delegating all of its ministry duties on the backs and shoulders of its pastors or elders. A healthy church body requires everyone to be involved and to share equally in the responsibility of ministry in the local church. We are all called to use our God-given gifts to serve. As everyone is obedient in using their God-given gifts, the kingdom will grow and multiply. We can see in the experience of the apostles that when the people came together and were obedient to God’s calling, lives were changed and transformed by the Holy Spirit.
If you have ever been a member of a team where you felt short-handed, and have felt frustrated, overwhelmed, worried, abandoned, with too much on your plate. Many hands make light work. We must stand together and allow God to have full access to our lives. The mission of the church needs everyone, not just a few. We must all commit and do our part to strengthen the team as we work to further the kingdom of God.
Is there something within our church that has made you frustrated? Can you identify an area of frustration with someone else in our church and how you might help in alleviating that frustration? Are you being obedient in doing your part to further the kingdom of God and are you allowing God full access to your life?