Acts 4

by Kevin Gatschene

Acts 4:23-31
Today we are looking at Acts 4. In this chapter we see Peter and John in trouble with the religious leaders because they have been teaching and healing in the name of Jesus. Peter and John find themselves in jail for proclaiming the word.

4:13 says that the members of the council were amazed when they saw the boldness of Peter and John. The council could see that they were ordinary men with no special training. How could these two ordinary men be so bold in carrying out their mission when faced with such circumstances?

4:23-31 gives us some insight. Once they were freed, Peter and John and the other believers turned to prayer. They prayed fervently, but they didn’t ask God to take care of the problems for them. Instead, they prayed that God would help them to deal with the opposition from the council. They prayed for boldness to face their challenges so that they could carry on their mission. (4:29)

What stands in your way today? What is keeping you from accomplishing the mission God has for you?

Come to him today. Ask God for the boldness and strength that only comes through the Holy Spirit, so that you can continue to carry out your mission.

