Acts 10

Written by Lola Sotomi

In Acts 10: 9-33, we read an interesting story about God interrupting Peter’s prayer time three times with a vision about killing and eating unclean animals. Each time, Peter declined with excuses based on Jewish tradition. Without clear interpretation of the vision, the Holy Spirit told him to follow three men without hesitation to the home of Cornelius, a Roman army officer in Caesarea.
Peter obeyed God, even though to do so was against Jewish tradition.

There are several lessons we can learn from this story. In general, Peter was afraid of stepping out because he had never done it before. He was a Jew, and it was against Jewish tradition/ law for Jews to associate with Gentiles. Second, he was afraid for his reputation. He feared the unknown, possible persecutions and consequences for his actions. Cornelius also obeyed the prompting of the Angel to send for Peter. He welcomed Peter humbly despite his position and his reputation as a well-respected Gentile.

Culture and our upbringing can be obstacles that keep us from taking risks. This could have prevented Peter from obeying God, but the Holy Spirit intervened. We need to ask ourselves candid questions about the things that keep us from obeying God fully in all areas of life. Is it fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of the opinion of others, or fear that it might damage our reputation?

Risk-taking is like venturing into the unknown. Each risk requires a sacrifice on the part of the
risk-taker. Taking a risk may lead you into an unforeseeable danger, but if it is God-led, His outstretched arm will save you.

We can learn a lot from Peter in this passage of scripture. To be able to take a risk, you need: (1) to be prayerful; (2) to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and (3) to be willing to obey. In the passage, we saw that these three attributes were evident in Peter’s life. The result of venturing out of his comfort zone brought the household, relatives and friends of Cornelius, and other Gentiles to become believers in Christ. What an amazing result!

Get out of your comfort zone and step out like Peter, for there are victories awaiting you and there are lands to be conquered. Go against the odds! Do not let your tradition or culture keep you from answering the call of God on your life.

Are you still reluctant to take a risk? Ask for the Holy Spirit’s help. Step out in faith and see the result just as Peter did. God has set the stage for you. You only need to cooperate with Him to reach the other side.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, help me to be sensitive to your voice and grant me the willingness to obey. In Jesus name.
