Did you make any New Years resolutions or goals?
Every year my wife asks me that question. Sometimes I can spout off a list of things I want to do, but this year I didn’t have a list of things. To be honest, Christmas and New Years kind of snuck up on me. Oh sure, I knew it was coming. As a church leadership team we were getting ready for it, but in my personal life it kind of caught me by surprise.
I was still shopping for my wife’s Christmas gift on the 23rd. We didn’t buy our Turkey until a couple days before. When it came to making some goals for New Years, well, I hadn’t even thought about that.
Over the last few days, I’ve been thinking about goals and what I’d like to see accomplished in 2019. There are lots of things I’d like to see happen, things like a winter getaway with my wife, losing some weight in time for my brother’s wedding, and having enough money to pay for my kid’s tuition bills. But there is one goal that I want to see realized in my life more than anything else.
By the end of 2019, I want to be closer to Jesus than I am today. I want to love Jesus more, I want to grow deeper in relationship and intimacy with Jesus. If that goal is realized, I believe every other part of my life will be impacted.
Have you ever set a goal of growing closer to Jesus over the course of a year?
If I’m completely honest, I’ve set a goal like that before and it hasn’t happened. I wanted to grow closer to Jesus, but 365 days went by and things weren’t any different. The end of the year came and I had not grown in my relationship with Jesus. Has that ever happened to you?
Let’s make this 2019 different.
I want to invite you to join me this year on a journey towards a deeper relationship and intimacy with Jesus. It all begins this weekend as we start our new series, “Marks of the Messiah.” Between now and Easter we are going to explore the book of Mark and what this account of the life of Jesus can teach us about Him and find out why we should pursue a deeper relationship with him.
This Sunday as we begin our journey we’ll be looking at three powerful words that begin the book of Mark. Three words that offer us a new beginning if we’ll respond. I hope you’ll join me on this journey through Mark. Even more, I hope you’ll join me in pursuing greater intimacy with Jesus this year.
See you Sunday,
Pastor Kirk
Holy Spirit Encounter
Jesus promised us an abundant life, but how do we access this life? The key to living the abundant life that Jesus promised is the presence and life of the Holy Spirit within us. On Saturday, February 2 we will explore how to live life in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit Encounter is an opportunity to hear deep theological teaching and participate in practical application times where you can engage in the practices you’ll learn about. Sessions will be facilitated by Robin Haensel, David Hearn, Mandy Ralph, and Pastor Kirk.
Soul Care
Join us on Wednesdays during MidWeek as we explore seven principles: profound healing tools of God that lead to greater intimacy with Him. Beginning January 16, we will explore the transformational principles of identity, repentance, breaking family sin patterns, forgiving others, healing wounds, overcoming fears, and deliverance.
Coming Events
January 16 | MidWeek Resumes |
January 14-18 | Kairos Course |
January 27 | Connect Lunch |
February 2 | Holy Spirit Encounter |
February 23 | Date Night Tour – Clean Comedy for Couples |