Five hundred twenty-five thousand, six hundred minutes – that’s how long it has been since we began our journey to reclaim Jesus’ Acts 1:8 vision. In Acts 1:8 Jesus said,
“…you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
A year ago this weekend, many of us made commitments to go beyond where we were at that moment and to begin living out this vision. Now, it’s time to look back and celebrate what God has been doing in and through us over the last five hundred twenty-five thousand, six hundred minutes.
Do you have a story to tell? Maybe it’s a story of God’s faithfulness as you made a pledge to give over and above what you normally give. Maybe it’s a story of God’s power revealed in your life, healing you physically, emotionally, mentally. Maybe it’s a story of God setting you free. Maybe it’s a story of you being a witness for Jesus Christ in your sphere of influence. What has God been doing in and through you? God is at work in our church. We want to hear the stories of how we have gone beyond where we were and moved towards becoming what Jesus envisions. A lot can happen in a year – let’s celebrate it!
This weekend we’ll be celebrating the 1-year anniversary of the Going Beyond campaign. We’ll be talking about what God is doing in our church as a whole, and there will be an opportunity for you to briefly share your story. There will be singing, maybe even some dancing, and some storytelling. No celebration would be complete without food, so yes, there will be some eating! I hope you’ll join us this weekend as we celebrate one year of God’s neverending faithfulness!
We’ll also be continuing our ‘Marks of the Messiah’ series by looking at Mark 10:32-45 and discovering what greatness in the Kingdom of God looks like.
See you Sunday,
Pastor Kirk
Israel Trip Information Night – March 31 – 7 pm
Did you miss the Information Night? Join Pastor Kirk and Britton for a recap on March 31 at 7 pm at the church.
Join Pastor Kirk and Britton on a journey through Israel (November 26 – December 5, 2019), following in the footsteps of Jesus. Grow as a disciple of Jesus as you visit places you have read about in the New Testament. The words and life of Jesus will come alive in a new way. Contact Pastor Kirk at kirk@mylivinghope.ca.
Deadline for application and deposit is May 26, 2019.
Are You New to Living Hope?
Have you started attending Living Hope within the last six months? We’d love to meet you! On Sunday, April 7 after the worship service, Pastor Kirk and Britton will be hosting a luncheon for everyone who has started attending since last fall. Join them and discover more about Living Hope. You will meet some other newcomers and some leaders of Living Hope. Please RSVP to Marg in the church office at marg@mylivinghope.ca.
Are You Interested in Becoming a Member of Living Hope?
Have you been attending Living Hope for a while? Would you like to make Living Hope your home? Join us on Sunday, April 28th for lunch and discover what being a member of Living Hope is all about. Living Hope 101 is our membership class that begins with lunch and runs for 90 minutes. You’ll find out what our mission and vision are, what we believe, and how you can make Living Hope your home. To attend Living Hope 101, please RSVP to Marg in the church office at marg@mylivinghope.ca.
Marriage Preparation Course – May 11 and June 8
Are you planning to be married within the next year? Join Pastor Kirk and learn how to develop a strong foundation by exploring topics such as how to express feelings, learning to listen, ways to resolve conflict, finding common goals and values, and the importance of commitment. This 2-session course is for engaged (or soon to be engaged) couples or those exploring the possibility of marriage.
The course will be held on two Saturday mornings, May 11 and June 8, from 8:30 am until noon. Breakfast will be provided.
Register by email at info@mylivinghope.ca or call the church office.
Coming Events
March 24 | Going Beyond One Year Anniversary Celebration (during Weekend Service) |
March 24 | Encounter – Young Adults Worship Night |
March 31 | Israel Trip Information Night |
March 31 | Connect Lunch |
April 7 | Welcome Lunch for New Attendees of Living Hope |
April 19 | Good Friday Service |
April 21 | Resurrection Sunday |
April 28 | Living Hope 101 – Membership Class |
May 11, June 8 | Marriage Preparation Course |
July 29-August 2 | Kids Camp – “Journey to Athens” |