Bulletin – May 2, 2021

News & Announcements

Worship Gatherings – In-Person Gatherings Resume
Living Hope is open for in-person worship gatherings (9:00 am or 10:30 am). Provincial restrictions limit us to 30 attendees per service. All who would like to attend are required to register in advance. If you would like to attend in person on Sunday, May 9 at 9:00 am or 10:30 am, please register here

We will continue to offer our worship gathering live online at 10:30 am and on-demand beginning Sunday afternoons. Go to live.mylivinghope.ca or search Living Hope Regina on YouTube.

Membership Meeting // May 26 // 7:00 pm
The Board of Elders have invited the membership of Living Hope to consider a change in the governance of our church. A meeting of the membership has been called for May 26, 2021, at 7:00 pm over Zoom to consider if Living Hope should allow both women and men to serve on the Board of Elders. According to the Local Church Constitution of the Christian & Missionary Alliance, the Board of Elders shall consist of men, unless by a two-thirds majority the membership votes to include women.  In preparation for the meeting of the members on May 26, a series of Round-Table Discernment Gatherings have been planned for both members and attendees of Living Hope.  For more information and to participate in the gatherings, please click here.

We Are Hiring // Tech Director 
We are looking for a Tech Director to lead and develop tech team volunteers in fostering inspiring and engaging environments that lead people into a growing relationship with Christ. For a description of this position click here. Applications must be submitted by May 15, 2021.

Lunch Box Talks // Wednesdays // 12:00 pm
Lunch Box Talks are times to gather with Pastor Colin and other Christians over lunch. Together we chat about faith, life, and current events. We host these talks on Zoom. Register here for the zoom details.

Guidelines from the Health Authority
As required by Public Health Orders, masks must be worn at all times inside, and food or drink is not allowed in the facility during Sunday worship services.

Office Hours
The church office is open Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.

Ways to Give
The easiest way to give to Living Hope during this time is by visiting our online giving page. If you would prefer to give by cash or cheque, please mail your gift to 3800 Green Falls Drive, Regina, SK S4V 3T6, or call the office (306.352.4673) to drop it off between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm


Hope Kids // Wednesdays // 7:00 pm (K-Gr 4)
Did you know we hang out on Zoom every Wednesday?! Silly songs, seeing friends, learning Scripture, having fun… and something about pink hair (huh?) You don’t want to miss out!! Click here for the info you need to join us!

Hope Kids Service Companion
Have you seen our Service Companion? We make a package of activities for kids and families to go along with the service every week! The new one is up on the Kids page on Wednesdays so you can have it ready to go for Sunday! Click here to check it out!

Hope Youth // Wednesdays // 6:30 pm
With the surge of variant covid-19 cases and Regina schools moving to online learning, youth meetings will now be online. Please contact pastor Daniel for the zoom information.

Financial Update: to April 25, 2021

Fund YTD Goal YTD Giving Over (Short)
Ministry $605,769 $635,867 $30,098
Missions $84,792 $77,504 ($7,288)
Compassion $24,231 $21,696 ($2,300)
Going Beyond Campaign Goal: $1.2m To Date: $614,734
