Seven weeks ago, we embarked on an experiment, to ask the Spirit to identify 7 people in our lives who over the past 7 weeks we would B.L.E.S.S. How has our experiment been going in your life? Have you been able to practice the everyday rhythms of “Beginning with prayer,” “Listening with care,” “Eating together,” “Serving with love” and “Sharing your story” with the people the Spirit has led you to?
Each day I’ve been praying for the 7 people on my list. Recently I shared a meal with one of them and just talked about what was going on in their life. Another day I heard the whisper of the Spirit that they wanted to say something to another person on my list through me, so I sent them a text of encouragement and affirmation. And a few weeks ago I heard the Spirit telling me to give something to someone, so I did—I still haven’t found out why, but I did. I haven’t had a chance to share my story with any of the 7 yet, but I’m listening to the Spirit and looking for opportunities.
I’ve been working hard to try and build these B.L.E.S.S. practices into my life, some days it goes great, other days no so much, but I’m still trying. The other day I was out walking thinking about our B.L.E.S.S. practices and suddenly I came upon a man lying on a driveway face down. His car was running next to him and he was sprawled out on the ground. Thankfully he was breathing and conscious, so I asked him if he was okay and if I could help. The man had experienced a back spasm and was experiencing incredible pain, so much that he couldn’t move and had been laying on the ground for some time. I spent the next 25 minutes talking with him, praying for healing (after asking if I could pray for him), and helping him up and over to his car. As it happens, he’d just bought the house that we were in front of, that I walk by every day. He also happens to work with a good friend of mine.
After getting him upright, in his car, and on his way, I walked away wondering what the Spirit was up to. Was this a random act of “serving with love”? Or did the Spirit just introduce me to a new person he wants me to begin to B.L.E.S.S.’ing? After all, his new house is on the route I walk, run and drive by every single day.
What has been happening in your journey? How has the Spirit been leading you? I’d love to hear your stories; you can email them to me at
This Sunday as we wrap up our Everyday Rhythms series, we’ll be looking at Matthew 28:16-20 and how Jesus wants you to Go and Bless. I hope you’ll join us this Sunday as we wrap up our series and commit ourselves to the B.L.E.S.S. practices, not just an experiment for 7 weeks, but part of our Everyday Rhythms.
See you Sunday,
Pastor Kirk