When I was a teen one of the top shows on TV was a sitcom called “Cheers.” Maybe you remember it?
Centered around a neighbourhood pub in Boston, the show’s song that played during the opening credits quickly became an iconic TV theme song.
“Making your way in the world today takes everything you’ve got.
Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot.
Wouldn’t you like to get away?
Sometimes you want to go
Where everybody knows your name,
and they’re always glad you came.
You wanna be where you can see,
our troubles are all the same
You wanna be where everybody knows your name.
You wanna go where people know,
people are all the same,
You wanna go where everybody knows your name.”
The “Cheers” song became so iconic because it expresses a need that all of us share, a place to belong. We deeply desire a place where we fit in, where we are known, where we can love and be loved. We all need a place where at least one person knows our name; the problem is that often we encounter barriers to belonging.
This weekend we are continuing our series, “The Real You” and we will be asking the question “Where do you belong?”. We all encounter barriers to belonging but there is a place where the barriers have been removed. I hope you are planning to join us as together we explore Ephesians 2:11-21 and discover where you truly belong.
See you Sunday,
Pastor Kirk
Gifted & Called Seminar
The Gifted and Called seminar is an opportunity for women in all areas of ministry, whether you’ve been serving for years or are new in your journey with God, to discover what it means to be called by God and gifted to live out that calling. Join us for a time of learning, connection, and discipleship where you can dig deeper into discovering your gifts and how that plays out in your church, your community, and the world. For more information please contact Mandy Ralph or check out the website.
Living Hope App
Living Hope has its own App! Now you can connect with Living Hope on your phone and tablet device (Apple or Android) using the MyLivingHope app. Sermons, latest news, events calendar and much more. Stay up to date with what’s happening. Search for mylivinghope in the App Store or Google Play.
Young Adults
Young adults, join us On November 6 at 5 pm at 3119 Pearlman Bay, for a meal and to get to know each other. Cost is $5/person (please RSVP by November 3 to Peter). This will also be an opportunity for you to learn about our two young adult growth groups, which are led by Eric and Danielle Miller (Tuesday evenings), and Peter and Mandy Ralph (Monday evenings). We would love to open these groups so that you can be involved. Don’t forget to RSVP! See you on November 6.
Upcoming Events
- November 18-19 – Gifted and Called (Women’s Conference)
- November 27 – Prayer Summit
- December 2 – 50+ Christmas Supper