Is it just me, or does our world seem obsessed with power?

The last 24 hours or so have been pretty interesting and shocking as we’ve watched our neighbours to the south wrestle over power and authority. One person has power and is clinging to it with all their might. The other is being thrust into power by a little over half the population. That’s not to mention the many more people around them who are trying to get their hands on some power, either for today or some point in the future.  What has been described as the “greatest peaceful transfer of power in the world” seems now to be a bitter and violent fight for power. While this is maybe a first for our neighbours to the south, it’s not the first time something like this has happened in our world. Our world is obsessed with the pursuit of power.

In Luke 4 and 5 we see Jesus teaching and caring for people in the region of Galilee.  The people he encounters are in awe of him because they recognize that he has power and authority like no one before him. Jesus’ words and actions were powerful, and the crowd couldn’t figure out where this power and authority came from. Unlike the leaders of his day Jesus wields his power and authority differently.  Jesus uses his power and authority to help people, to transform lives, and to change the world, all at great sacrifice to himself. 

This weekend as we continue our series about the power and authority of Jesus, we are going to look at Luke 4:31-44 and discover where Jesus’ power and authority came from.  I hope you’ll join us this weekend because Jesus has something to teach us about true power and its source.

Jesus still has power and authority today, and he is still using it to change the world. The truly unique thing about Jesus’ leadership is that while others grasp for and cling to power and authority, Jesus gives it away. Jesus wants you to be a part of what he is doing in the world.  Jesus is inviting you to live a life marked by power and authority, as he did, for the benefit of others. I hope you will join us throughout this series and discover how to live a truly power-full life as Jesus envisions.

See you Sunday,

Pastor Kirk
