Status Quo or Spirit-Empowered?



Have you ever read anything in scripture and thought to yourself, “Wow!  If only that still happened today!” or, “I wish I could do that!”  I’ve often had these thoughts as I read through scripture and discover the amazing things that Jesus and his Apostles did.  Can you imagine how different the world would be today if we witnessed this on a regular basis?  Too bad that doesn’t happen anymore… or does it? 

Too often we lose sight of what God is doing in the here and now, and don’t have the courage or faith to act in the authority that Jesus has given us.  I think we are often too comfortable with the status quo and living by our own devices.  That’s a shame, because God has empowered us with the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead (Romans 8:11).  The Jesus way of living always has more to offer when we embrace the Spirit and pursue deeper intimacy with God.  There is no limit to the fullness of the Spirit.  

I hope that you will join us this week to discover what the Spirit-empowered life looks like and how we can live it out on a daily basis.  A church full of passionately devoted, prayer-focused, Spirit-empowered disciples of Christ is a force for the Kingdom of Heaven that cannot be reckoned with.  Let’s embrace the fullness of the Spirit together!  

See you on Sunday!

Pastor Eric

