What do you expect to happen today?
Every day I wake up and I have expectations for the day. Today I have several meetings and I have expectations of what is going to happen in them. I have expectations of what is going to happen between those meetings. I have expectations of what I’m going to do when I finally make it home tonight, and I have expectations for my day off tomorrow as well. My life is full of expectations, both those I create for myself and those others place on me.
We all have expectations, don’t we? Each of us have plans, we have agendas, we have hopes, we have dreams, we have expectations for today and tomorrow. We also have expectations that others put on us, things that others expect us to do and say. Many of us have an action bias. We like to get things done, we like to move things forward. This is not a bad thing – it’s where our expectations for today come from. I know I have an action bias – I have things I want to get done today!
Recently, as I was going over my expectations for the day I had an epiphany, a moment when I realized something important. I realized that my expectations could be keeping me from experiencing the presence of Jesus today. In trying to get everything that I expect to get done today, or in trying to get done all that is expected of me, my action bias and expectations could cause me to miss Jesus.
God has given me gifts and called me to do certain things, just as he has given you gifts and called you to do certain things. The parable of the talents teaches us that God expects us to put to use what he has given us (Matthew 25:14-30). At the same time we are exhorted to keep in step with the Spirit (Galatians 5:25), not to run ahead of him on our own. God not only wants us to use what he has given us, but he wants to walk with us as we use our talents to do what he has called us to.
When I look at my life, too often, my response to God is “Thanks, I’ve got this”, and I run off ahead of him to get things done. I know what’s expected and I know he has given me what I need to get the job done, so I get on with it. In the process, I miss out on the gift of his presence. My deepest desire is to dwell in the Spirit’s presence and live on mission with him. Yet, too often, I run off to fulfill the mission without him and then wonder why the Spirit feels distant. Have you ever experienced something like this?
When expectations take over and we don’t keep in step with the Spirit, what do we expect will happen? Should we really expect to experience the presence of the Spirit if we are paying more attention to expectations and getting things done than keeping in step with the Spirit? Maybe today we need to release our grip on our expectations and instead let the Spirit lead us into what he has for us today? I wonder what might happen? I wonder if we might experience the Spirit in the most unexpected way.
This Sunday, one of our elders, Brad Crassweller, will be speaking and sharing about what it truly means to know hope, to know peace, and to know freedom.
May you keep in step with the Spirit today!
Pastor Kirk
We want to hear your story!
Over the last couple of months, God has been working in some amazing ways in many people’s lives. Has he been working in your life? We’d love to hear your story and if you are willing to share it with others to encourage them. You can email your story to stories@mylivinghope.ca or call Pastor Kirk.
Baptism Opportunity
Would you like be baptized? The next opportunity to be baptized is February 17th. Contact Pastor Kirk if you would like to surrender to Jesus through the act of baptism.
Parenting Course
Each Wednesday during MidWeek we will be hosting a parenting course. Our parenting course consists of five sessions on parenting children 0 to 10 years of age and then five sessions on parenting teens from 11 to 18 years of age. Join us Wednesday nights at 6:45 pm and discover tools to build healthy relationships and strategies for building a healthy family.
Israel Trip
Join Pastor Kirk and Britton on a journey through Israel, following in the footsteps of Jesus. Grow as a disciple of Jesus as you visit places you have read about in the New Testament. The words and life of Jesus will come alive in a new way. For information, contact Pastor Kirk at kirk@mylivinghope.ca.
For further information, join us February 24 at 7 pm at the church as Pastor Kirk talks about the trip.
Date Night Tour – Clean Comedy for Couples
Looking for something to do with that special someone in February? Join us for the Date Night Tour, a night of clean comedy with Daren Streblow & Timmy Boyle. Come prepared to laugh as Daren & Timmy create a night you won’t soon forget. Plus enjoy a live game show as 5 women and 5 men battle on Date Night Feud. Tickets are $15 and are available online or at the church.
Living Hope 101 – Discovering Church Membership
Have you been attending Living Hope for a while and would like to really make it your home? Join us on Sunday, March 3 for lunch as Pastor Kirk talks about who Living Hope is and how you can become a member of Living Hope.
Coming Events
February 17 | Baptism Opportunity |
February 23 | Date Night Tour – Clean Comedy for Couples |
February 24 | Israel Trip Information Night |
March 3 | Living Hope 101 – Discovering Church Membership |
March 10 | Ambrose University Alumni Night |