Did you know Jesus was baptized?

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I was nine when I came to know Jesus as the leader and saviour of my life.  After that, I began reading my Bible, cover to cover.  When I was ten, as I was reading in the New Testament, I discovered that Jesus had been baptized.   Did you know that?  I also discovered that Jesus commanded his followers that they were to be baptized too. I thought that if it was good enough for Jesus, and if he wanted me to do it, then I should do it.  Without telling my parents I went to the Senior Pastor and asked him to baptize me.  Nothing could stop me.

After talking with my parents, the Senior Pastor agreed to baptize me. A few weeks later I stepped into this big tank. Its walls were taller than me.  The church could only see a tuft of my hair.  I’ll never forget that moment.  It was a defining moment in my life.

Have you been baptized?  Was it a defining moment in your life?

This weekend we are going to look at a passage of Mark that is all about baptism.  We are going to discover why baptism is important and why Jesus was baptized.  I hope you’ll join us as we look at Mark 1:2-11 and this defining moment in Jesus’ life and ministry.

See you Sunday,

Pastor Kirk

Holy Spirit Encounter
Jesus promised us an abundant life, but how do we access this life?  The key to living the abundant life that Jesus promised is the presence and life of the Holy Spirit within us.  On Saturday, February 2 we will explore how to live life in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit Encounter is an opportunity to hear deep theological teaching and participate in practical application times where you can engage in the practices you’ll learn about.  Sessions will be facilitated by Robin Haensel, David Hearn, Mandy Ralph, and Pastor Kirk.   

Soul Care 
Join us on Wednesdays during MidWeek as we explore seven principles: profound healing tools of God that lead to greater intimacy with Him.  Beginning January 16, we will explore the transformational principles of identity, repentance, breaking family sin patterns, forgiving others, healing wounds, overcoming fears, and deliverance.

Coming Events

January 16 MidWeek Resumes
January 14-18 Kairos Course
January 27 Connect Lunch
February 2 Holy Spirit Encounter
February 23 Date Night Tour – Clean Comedy for Couples
