The Board of Elders has continued to meet monthly since our AGM. Kevin Gatschene, Jim Haney, Brad Crassweller, and Ken Thiessen are new members of the Board this year.
In preparation for each of our Meetings, Pastor Kirk has engaged the Board of Elders in a guided ‘Listening and Discernment Exercise’. Prior to each meeting, the elders are given several passages of Scripture to read and reflect on. We are encouraged to listen to what we hear God is saying to each of us individually, and what God is saying to us as a congregation. This ‘Listening to God and Discernment Exercise’ has been significant in keeping us focused on hearing from God and framing the work we do together as a Board in a context of spiritual leadership.
Our May meeting focused on several important issues which affect both our church and our denomination as a whole.
We spent considerable time discussing the key issues being brought to the General Assembly in Calgary, June 5-9. The topics to be examined include updated policy statements on Baptism and Membership, Marriage and Family, Human Sexuality, and Member Church Withdrawal.
The Board approved the purchase of new Bibles. Over the last 5 years we have given away over 500 Bibles so it is time to replace our supply. The new Bibles will be the New International Version, 2011 edition. They will arrive over the summer.
As you are aware, we have had ongoing conversations with the City of Regina regarding the exit/entrance onto Arcola. The City has informed us that we will lose the access to Arcola. We are now in discussions with the city regarding the construction of the new entrance to our property from Green Falls Drive, a cost sharing agreement, and associated signage.
The Board approved a Seamless Link Agreement with Bob and Amanda Eldred who will be going to Mexico City to join the Global Ministries Mexico Team. The Seamless Link Agreement will be signed with Bob and Amanda during our June 24th weekend service. We will also commission them for the work of the Gospel in Mexico.
Your Board of Elders –
Mark Stefan (Chair) Brad Crassweller
Wayne Bernakevitch (Vice-Chair) Howard Wiebe
Ed Beggs (Treasurer) Kevin Gatschene
Ken Thiessen (Secretary) Abe Toews
Kirk Cowman (Lead Pastor) Jim Haney