Have you ever heard of the term game-changer?
A game-changer is an idea, innovation or procedure that significantly changes the current manner of doing or thinking about something. In sports a game-changer is an event that drastically changes the outcome of the game. A game-changer is that moment in a game when you jump out of your seat, screaming at the top of your lungs and high-fiving the person next to you because you can’t believe what just happened. Have you ever witnessed or experienced a game-changer? What was it? What happened?
This weekend we are going to look at a game-changer in the life of the first church. In Acts 10 and 11 something happens that changes the church forever. The event is so significant that you and I wouldn’t be followers of Jesus today if it hadn’t happened. The first church was forever changed because a guy named Peter did what no one expected. He listened, he looked and then got off his seat and went.
I hope you are planning to join us this weekend as we look at this game-changing event. We will discover a game-changer that will impact our lives and church today, if like Peter we’ll go beyond our seat.
See you Sunday,
Pastor Kirk
Missed a week? Catch up on Going Beyond messages you missed at mylivinghope.ca/messages
Beyond 90
Do you have your tickets yet for the Beyond 90 banquet? We are celebrating 90 years of God’s faithfulness and goodness to our church family. The banquet starts at 6 pm and a public service will follow at 8 pm. To request your tickets email rsvp@mylivinghope.ca by March 18. There is no cost for the tickets but space is limited so please request your ticket today.
Commitment & First Fruits Offering Sunday
You are invited to be a part of the Going Beyond initiative by making a financial commitment to create an engaging and accessible campus, multiply opportunities for people to hear the Gospel, and impact the world. Join us Sunday, March 25th for the Going Beyond Campaign Commitment Sunday. There will be an opportunity during the service to celebrate communion together, turn in your commitment card, and give a first offering towards your commitment.
Good Friday Service
Join us for our annual Good Friday service on Friday March 30th at 10:30 am, as we remember the sacrifice Jesus made for all of us.
Upcoming Events
March 18 | Family Connect Lunch |
March 24 | Beyond 90 Banquet |
March 25 | Going Beyond – First Fruits and Commitment Sunday |
March 30 | Good Friday Service |
April 1 | Resurrection Sunday |