Who has influenced your life significantly?
Besides Britton and my parents, four people have significantly influenced my life:
- Jack Wilkins– my children’s church leader who introduced me to Jesus
- Dan DeGaris — my youth leader, who later became my youth pastor. He mentored me through my teens
- Ray Aldred — my internship supervisor in College who mentored me as a young husband and father.
- Lorne Fredlund — my former boss who became one of my closest friends. He has mentored me in my 30’s and 40’s.
Each one of the these people allowed me into their life and modelled uncommon devotion to God and an uncommon commitment to me. Each one helped shape and equip me for my part in God’s mission.
Who has helped shape your life and equip you for your part in God’s mission?
As I look at the first church in Acts I see a church full of people who were intentionally building into the lives of those around them, modelling faith and equipping others to take their part in the mission of God. I see people like Barnabas who influenced Paul and John Mark, Paul who influenced Silas, Timothy, Lydia, Priscilla and Aquilla, Priscilla and Aquilla who influenced Apollos, and the list goes on.
This weekend as we continue our Going Beyond series, guest speaker Matt Boda will be talking about how the Acts 1:8 church was continually equipping and empowering people so that they could become what Jesus envisions and claim their part in the Acts 1:8 mission. Matt knows first hand what can happen when a church empowers and equips. Matt will share part of his story of growing up in an Acts 1:8 church. Through it we’ll be encouraged to reclaim the Acts 1:8 vision today. I hope you are planning to join us!
See you Sunday,
Pastor Kirk
Annual General Meeting
Join us this Sunday at 1 pm for our Annual General Meeting. A detailed financial meeting where the 2017 financial statements will be reviewed will be at 9:00 am in the lounge. The 2017 Annual Report and 2017 Financial Statements are available for download.
Beyond 90
Do you have your tickets yet for the Beyond 90 banquet? We are celebrating 90 years of God’s faithfulness and goodness to our church family. The banquet starts at 6 pm and a public service will follow at 8 pm. To request your tickets email rsvp@mylivinghope.ca. There is no cost for the tickets but space is limited so please request your ticket today.
Good Friday Service
Join us for our annual Good Friday service on Friday March 30th at 10:30 am, as we remember the sacrifice Jesus made for all of us.
Upcoming Events
March 9 | Going Beyond – Everything Chocolate and more |
March 11 | Lunch and Birthday Cake |
March 11 | Annual General Meeting |
March 14 | Going Beyond – Soup for the Soul |
March 18 | Family Connect Lunch |
March 24 | Beyond 90 Banquet |
March 25 | Going Beyond – First Fruits and Commitment Sunday |
March 25 | Prayer Summit |