Acts 14

Written by Kevin Gatschene

Today we will be looking at acts 14

Here we see Paul and Barnabas in Iconium preaching the gospel with such great power that many Jews and Gentiles believed.(14:1). Now no matter how many people came to know the Lord because of their preaching there were still others who felt them to be a threat and worked against them. Even to the point of convincing a mob to stone them. This caused them to flee to the region Lycaonia where they once again preached with great power and healed in the name of Jesus.
In verse 19 we read that some Jews arrived from Antioch and Iconium and turned the crowd into a mob and this time Paul was actually stoned and left for dead.

Paul and Barnabas were persistent in their preaching and considered the cost to themselves to be nothing in comparison with obedience to Christ. Being a disciple of Jesus calls for total commitment, even in the face of great sacrifice.
It is this commitment that strengthens the church and gives other leaders the strength and faith to carry on as well.
Verse 22 says “where they strengthened the believers. They encouraged them to continue in the faith, reminding them that we must suffer many hardships to enter in to the Kingdom of God.

Life is not easy and quite often can throw you a curveball. Don’t give up, Jesus is in your corner and He will give you strength to carry on even if it’s for one more day or maybe even for one more hour. Just like with Paul and Barnabas pushing through the trials leads to greater greater rewards.

Today spend some time with God and tell Him about what trials and sacrifices you are faced with. Then listen …. God will give you the direction and encouragement that you need.
