Acts 9

Written by Brooke Pachal

Many of us are creatures of habit. I think it is because habit often keeps us comfortable, safe, and in control. Yesterday, Kirk discussed how God’s mission often calls us out of our comfort zones into riskier waters. Risk exposes us to uncertainty and emotions such as fear or worry, but God calls us to be courageous in the face of these emotions. He calls us to combat fear and worry with faith and trust in Him.

In the first century church, risks were part of everyday life for early Christians. In Acts 9, God calls a man named Ananias to take an abnormally great risk. God spoke to Ananias in a vision and told him to go and meet with a man named Saul, a man who was known throughout the area as someone who was committed to arresting and even murdering followers of Jesus. Ananias did not know that Jesus had already met with Saul and changed his heart. Ananias’ first reaction was to question God, but he still chose to accept the mission God gave him even though it might cost him his freedom or even his life. Ananias went and found Saul.

After speaking with Ananias, Saul was healed of his blindness and began to prepare to take part in the mission of God alongside Ananias and other early Christians. Saul later becomes Paul, author of several books in the New Testament. Paul is considered one of the most successful Christians in the early church, but Paul’s mission ultimately began with the obedience of God’s servant Ananias, who accepted the risk because of his faith in God.

As 21st century Christians, we most often do not face death because of our faith, but God still calls us to take risks in order to win hearts of non-Christian people in this age. Is God calling you to take a risk like Ananias? What could you do today to take a step out for God and experience the rewards that He has for you and for those around you?

