Have you ever traveled outside of North America?


Have you ever travelled outside of North America?

In 2007 my wife Britton and I travelled to Africa on a missions trip.  We visited and worked with a medical clinic in a small town in the country of Malawi.  Neither Britton or I had ever been out of North America before and this trip was an eye-opener for us.  I had never sat and talked with someone in a grass hut before, I had never met anyone living in extreme poverty (living on less than $2 a day), I had never seen so many people who were  battling HIV/AIDS, and I had never before had to worry about a hippo capsizing our boat.  Some of the experiences were fun, some were a bit frightening and some made me cry.

In the midst of all those experiences I saw something amazing that I will never forget.  I saw God at work.  I saw joy in the faces of people as they talked about what Jesus had done for them. Some of them had been kicked out of their family and villages because they chose to follow Jesus.  I saw people who loved to pray and would walk three hours each way just to pray together.  I saw people who had nothing, lined up to dance their way to the front of the church so they could give generously of what they had to help others in need.

I saw God and devotion to God differently after that trip to Africa. I have seen similar things in Mexico, in Cuba and in Turkey. I wish I could take our whole church around the world to discover what God is doing outside of North America because I believe we would all see God differently. It would cause us to desire for more of God, and it might just inspire us to be a part of what God is doing.

While we may not be able to travel to Africa together, we can discover what God is doing in Africa this weekend.  This Sunday we’ll be hearing from an international worker in Africa who will share with us what God is doing in the country of Niger.  I hope you’ll join us this weekend as we discover the impact God is having around the world today.

See you Sunday

Pastor Kirk

2017 Tax Receipts

2017 tax receipts will be available at the Info Desk following the worship service.  Please pick up your receipt to help us save on postage costs.

Going Beyond Events at Living Hope

Saturday, March 3 at 6:30 pm Games Night , an evening for the whole family

Come for games, fellowship, and to hear about the Going Beyond Campaign.  Child care and games for the kids will be provided.

Friday, March 9 at 7:00 pmEverything Chocolate and More, a Couples’ Date Night

Enjoy an evening of fellowship, hear about the exciting Going Beyond Campaign.  There will be desserts galore, chocolate fountains, cookies, cakes, sweets, and more. Child care will be provided.

Wednesday, March 14 at noonSoup for the Soul, a 50+ event

Enjoy Soup for the Soul with biscuits and dessert, and hear about the exciting Going Beyond Campaign.

Upcoming Events


February 13 Pancake Lunch
February 14 Date Night
February 25 Prayer Summit
February 25 – March 25 Going Beyond Campaign
March 3 Going Beyond Event – Games Night
March 9 Going Beyond Event – Couples’ Night – Everything Chocolate and More
March 11 Annual General Meeting
March 14 Going Beyond Event – 50+ – Soup for the Soul
March 16-18 Legacy Youth Conference
March 24 Going Beyond – Leadership Event
March 25 Going Beyond – First Fruits and Commitment Sunday
March 25 Prayer Summit
