Christmas in the city is always a special time. Its a time to celebrate with our family and friends, a time filled with hope and a love. We have something special planned for you, your family and friends.
Family Candlelight Services – December 24, 10:30 am, 4:00 and 7:00 PM
Join us for one of our Christmas Eve services as we celebrate and remember the hope that came that first Christmas. These services are designed for the whole family to enjoy, with Christmas carols, candles, and much more! Childcare is available during the services for children under 3 years of age.
A Night in Bethlehem – Family Christmas Party – 5:00-7:00 PM (Between Services)
Stay after the 4:00 service or come early to the 7:00 service for a party with the whole family! It will be packed full of fun with games, crafts, cake, and a photo booth! We look forward to seeing you there.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where are you?
We are located at 3900 Arcola Avenue East in Regina, in the Greens on Gardiner subdivision. You can find us on Google Maps.
Is childcare available?
Yes, there is childcare available for children 3 and under. We have a great team available during each of our services of people to care for your child, each team member has been through our Plan to Protect childcare program and had background checks done. For children over 3 years of age there will be activity boxes available as well as a special feature for kids during each service.
How long is the service?
Our family candlelight service is 60 minutes long. All three services are identical and feature singing, a kids feature, an inspiring message and end with the singing of silent night by candlelight. We’ve planned our services to engage everyone, not matter how old you are.
What should I wear?
We are pretty casual around Living Hope. Wear what ever you feel comfortable in. For some that may mean blue-jeans and a t-shirt, for others it may be a dress or suit. Please don’t feel like you have to dress up. Christmas Eve is the one time each year when Pastor Kirk is contractually obligated to wear a suit, but please don’t hold that against him, he’ll be back in blue-jeans next Sunday (just kidding about the contractual obligation, but Pastor Kirk will reluctantly be in a suit).
What is happening at the party?
In between the 4 and 7 pm services we are hosting a party to celebrate Jesus’ birthday. During our night in Bethlehem themed party you’ll get an idea of what Bethlehem might have been like when Jesus was born. There will be crafts, activities and of course a birthday cake. We understand that you’d like to do something fun with your family while still making it to dinner at grandma’s so, our party is a come and go experience, stay as long as you want and leave when you need to.
Does it cost anything?
Our Christmas Eve services and party are absolutely free and no offering will be taken during the service. Come and celebrate Christmas with your family, on us.