Definitely not fake news

Do you ever watch the evening news?

Several times a week I sit down with Britton and we watch the evening news together.  I can’t watch more than a few days a week because I find it begins to affect my outlook and mood. Often the nightly news makes me discouraged.  Have you ever become discouraged after watching or reading the news?

What discourages me about the news is the lack of fairness and the injustice that I see.  We hear reports every day about missing indigenous women and the systemic racism that allowed thousands to go missing over the last 30-40 years without investigation.  We hear arguments for and against elected officials who have  abused their authority and power for their own gain.  We are told of yet one more celebrity or leader who is guilty of years of harassment (or at least accused of harassment).  Then there’s the ongoing media and political war about what the President did or didn’t do.  Unfortunately the injustice we see or hear about every day is all real. It is definitely not fake news.

It’s not the fault of the news anchor that I get discouraged.  It is the world we live in.  The lack of justice and fairness in the world is discouraging and it seems like we are powerless to do anything about it.

This month we are talking about the promise of Christmas.  Did you know that one of the promises of Christmas is that justice is coming?

This weekend Pastor Daniel will be leading us through Isaiah 42:1-9 and talking with us about the promise that justice is coming.  I hope you’ll join us as we discover together what God is doing about the injustice all around us and what we can do to bring justice to our world today.

See you Sunday,

Pastor Kirk

News & Announcements

Christmas Eve is almost here!  
Join us Sunday, December 24th at 10:30 am, 4 pm or 7 pm for our family candle light service.  Our 60 minute Christmas Eve service is something the whole family will enjoy, with great music, a kid’s story, a brief inspiring message of hope for the adults and teens, and then singing Silent Night by candle light. Between the 4 pm and 7 pm services there will also be a party to celebrate Christmas, with crafts, food, and entertainment.  Plan now to join us and bring your family and friends.

Year End Giving
Are you considering making a year-end gift?   You can help us finish our fiscal year in a positive position and start the new year, while at the same time having your gift counted towards your 2017 charitable tax receipt, if you make a gift on or before December 31st, 2017. Gifts can be made in person at the church, online using your credit card or VISA debit card or by mailing in a cheque (be sure that the envelope is postmarked prior to December 31).

Upcoming Events

December 24 Christmas Eve Services (10:30 am, 4:00 pm, and 7:00 pm.)
 January 10, 2018 MidWeek begins
 January 28, 2018 Prayer Summit
 February 2-3, 2018 Holy Spirit Encounter Weekend
 February 4, 2018 Dr. Rob Reimer speaking
 February 11, 2018 Global Impact Sunday – Desert Sand Region
February 25 – March 25 Going Beyond Series
March 24 Going Beyond Leadership Commitment Event
March 25 Going Beyond First Fruits Offering & Commitment Sunday
