What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of “power”? Go ahead and answer that question for yourself. There are probably a number of things that come to your mind. You likely thought of God. Perhaps you thought of strong people physically, intellectually, politically or otherwise. Maybe you thought of a fierce animal or a roaring car engine. But did prayer register anywhere on your list? How might prayer be powerful? When I think of folding my hands and bowing my head, power isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. Prayer is so much more than that! Prayer isn’t just lofting up some words to the abyss, hoping that by some chance God might possibly hear them. In fact, Revelation 5:8 shows us that God collects our prayers and treasures them. Prayer is our all-access pass that connects us with the most powerful being in existence, our Father in Heaven who loves us. When I think of prayer like that, I think it is the most powerful thing that we have access to as followers of Christ. Yet it is still easy for us to lose sight of the power and significance that prayer has in our life and faith. Perhaps prayer hasn’t ever felt all that powerful in your life. What is the secret to powerful prayers?
Join us this Sunday as we conclude our ‘Becoming’ series in James by looking at what he has to say about the power of prayer and how it can be a part of our every day life following Christ.
See you Sunday,
Pastor Eric
A Message from Pastor Kirk:
This Christmas we have a unique opportunity to create a new tradition. This year we will be hosting 3 Christmas Eve services at Living Hope (10:30 am, 4 pm and 7 pm). Last year we hosted over 750 people between our two services. This year we anticipate hosting upwards of a thousand people at our Christmas Eve Celebration. At our celebration we will need hosts to make the party great. What if this Christmas Eve you worshiped at 10:30 as a family and then served together at the 4 pm or 7 pm service, or both!
You could serve as greeters or ushers at one of the services, you could serve as hosts at the family party in between the 4 and 7 pm services, or you could serve refreshments together as our guests arrive. If you are musical we also need musicians to serve for all three services.
What if this year you created some new memories by serving together as a family? Take it from me, there is nothing sweeter than serving alongside your spouse and children. If you’d like to talk more about this, please contact one of the pastors, or contact the church office at info@mylivinghope.ca.
Coming Events
Nov 21-30 | ‘Together in Israel’ trip |
Dec 3 | Newcomers’ Lunch |
Dec 10 | Appreciation Lunch for GLS volunteers |
Dec 12 | T.A.C.O. Tuesday |
Dec 14 | Board of Elders Meeting |
Dec 24 | Christmas Eve Services (10:30 am, 4:00 pm, 7:00 pm) |