Sermon Discussion Guide – Becoming Sermon Series – Week of October 8

Sermon Discussion Guide

1.) Share with the group a time when you functioned totally on autopilot.


Read James 2:14-15


2.) In James’ illustration, there are two kinds of faith, faith with actions and faith without actions, and the faith without actions doesn’t do any good to either person in the story. Looking at your own life, what type of faith best describes you? How is your faith acted out in love to your co-workers, your family, your group, your Living Hope family?


Matthew 25:31-46


3.) Take time as a group to sit quietly with this passage, asking God to give you wisdom about what he may be saying to you as individuals and as a group. What do you believe God may be saying to you about true faith and action?


4.) The Bible teaches that faith without works is dead. It also teaches that salvation is by God’s grace and not by our good works (Ephesians 2:8-9). It is a balance of grace and faith expressed in action. What are some of the dangers for us if we swing too far on either side of this pendulum?


Read James 2:21-26


5.) Despite mistakes in their past, Abraham and Rahab showed lives that were transformed dramatically over time as they paired their faith with transformative action (Read more about Abraham in Genesis 22 and Rahab in Joshua 2). As you imagine how God could transform your life over time, are there any beliefs you have about you or your past actions that could be a barrier to stepping into this active faith?
If there are any needs that come up, pray for each other as a group and commit to praying for each other going into this week.


Going Deeper – The Last 10%


6.) Take time to pray with each other for the people you are becoming. As you pray, ask God to show you where your faith may be on autopilot and where we may be in danger of hypocrisy in the eyes of people around us. Ask for his wisdom in seeing how we can have a faith with action and the courage to implement some of those actions this week.

