When our kids were little we made them a deal. If they would behave and get along better we would take them to Disneyland. It may sound like bribery, but I consider it more of a command with a promise. The command was ‘behave and get along with each other’ and the promise was a fun vacation together. It worked! Over a series of months, our kids started getting along with each other better, and we had a fantastic family vacation on top of it!
Have you ever been given a command with a promise? School is a command with a promise. Work is a command with a promise. It’s not only parents who want their kids to get along that give commands with a promise.
All summer long we are exploring the 10 Commandments and what they mean for us today. This weekend we are looking at the fifth commandment, the first commandment with a promise. With a little help from the original Star Wars trilogy we’ll discover that the fifth commandment contains a promise, both for the Hebrews who first heard it and for us today. The command is to honour our parents, but the promise is for the whole family.
I hope you’ll join us this Sunday as we discover that the fifth commandment is all about having great relationships. It’s the starting point to making your families even better.
See you Sunday,
Pastor Kirk
PS…let’s have some fun with this one; let your kids wear their Star Wars gear this weekend, and feel free to wear your own . We’ll even give away a prize for the best Star Wars outfit.
Fall is just around the corner!
Join us on Sunday, September 10th after the worship service for our annual fall BBQ. There’ll be great food, games for the kids and an opportunity to reconnect with friends after summer vacation.
MidWeek begins September 13
Join us Wednesdays this fall for Kids Club, Youth, Marriage Course, Alpha and more. We’ll even take care of dinner and the dishes that night. MidWeek starts with dinner between 5:30 and 6:30, and activities kick off at 6:45. There’s something for everyone this fall at MidWeek.
Encounter the Holy Spirit
Who is the Holy Spirit and why does he matter? Join us September 29 & 30th and explore who the Holy Spirit is and what his ministry is in your life. Each session will begin with singing and includes Bible teaching time followed by a practicum where you can put into practice what you have learned. Registration is free and opens August 1st.
Upcoming Events
Aug 2 Youth Event
July 31 – Aug 4 Dallas Valley City Camp
Aug 1, 8, 15 Play in the Park (Green Meadow Park)
Aug 3, 10, 17 Play in the Park (Ripplinger Park)
Aug 22 T.A.C.O. Tuesday
Aug 23 Youth Event
September 10 Fall BBQ