Clearing Hurdles

The hurdles are one of my favourite races in Track and Field. It amazes me to see hurdlers move at incredible speed, gliding over each hurdle in their path. I remember running hurdles in gym class in high school; there was no gliding, and I think I tripped over and knocked more down than I cleared. Have you ever watched the hurdle races in the Olympics or run a race with hurdles?

I think that life is a lot like a race with hurdles. Sometimes we clear the hurdles like champions. Sometimes the hurdles in front of us trip us up, and sometimes, we just knock them down as we try to make it to the finish line. Do you ever feel like you are running a race with hurdles?

This Sunday, we are going to look at Luke 9:51-56 and three hurdles that Jesus encountered as he resolutely set out to Jerusalem. We will consider the hurdles of our past, our present and ourselves. I hope you’ll join us as we discover what a disciple of Jesus resolutely sets themselves to do, and how to clear the hurdles keeping you from becoming what Jesus envisions.

See you Sunday.

Pastor Kirk

PS.. MidWeek is coming! Mark your calendar! MidWeek will resume on Wednesday, September 14. Bring the family for a tasty and inexpensive dinner and stick around for kid’s club, youth and adult discipleship classes. Dinner is from 5:30 to 6:30 pm, and all the activities begin at 6:45 pm. Check out our weekly bulletin for more details.
