Becoming THAT Family

A number of years ago I met a man who is quite an interesting person.  At one time he was the Chief Operating Officer of a major energy company. When I met him he was a senior leader in a large organization, on several boards across Canada and regularly asked to consult with organizations around the world on strategic planning.  Yet that’s not what makes him interesting.

What makes my friend so interesting is what he does outside of his work.  Even though my friend is incredibly busy, every time it snows he takes his snowblower and clears the sidewalk and driveways of his neighbours next to him and  across the street.  In the summer he mows his neighbours’ lawns.  Whenever his neighbours need a hand, he’s right there to help them out.  When one of his neighbours had a family member immigrate from another country, he used his connections to arrange interviews and even coached the new Canadian on how to do well at the interview.

He helped others besides his neighbours .  When my friend found out that we were having car trouble and had to leave for a funeral the next morning, he left work and came over to get our car so he could get it fixed.

Who does these kinds of things?  Why would he do all this?  It isn’t just him – his wife does these sorts of things, too.  What a family!

My friend believes that when Jesus said “love your neighbours as yourself” he actually meant it.  He believes that the description of the first church in Acts 2:42-47 is not  a description of what was, but a description of how things should be today.

This weekend Pastor Eric will be talking about becoming neighbours just like Jesus envisioned, and how we can live the way Acts 2 describes.  I hope you are planning to join us as we discover how to really love our neighbours.

See you Sunday,

Pastor Kirk

Volunteer Appreciation Night
Have you served on the Living Hope team within the last 12 months? No matter how you’ve helped out, we want to celebrate you and thank you.  Join us June 25th at 7 pm for our Volunteer Appreciation Night. It will be an evening of laughter and great desserts. RSVP to to let us know you are coming.

Join the Global Leadership Summit Team
The Global Leadership Summit is coming October 19 & 20 and we need your help to put on a world class event.  We need team members who will serve on our facility team, in our resource centre, serve food at coffee breaks and much more.  If you are would like to be a part of the Summit Team email info@mylivinghope and let us know.

Maker Fun Factory
Are your kids registered for Maker Fun Factory yet?  Kids will learn they were created by God and built for a purpose. This amazing adventure will help kids begin or deepen their faith by discovering our loving God who made each of us! Kids will be grounded in the solid foundation of Jesus’ love, a love that gives our lives incredible purpose.  Download the registration forms and sign up today.

Coming Events

June 25                      Volunteer Appreciation Night
July 10-16                Kids Day Camp – Maker Fun Factory
July 31 – August 4   Kids Day Camp – City Camp (in partnership with                                      Dallas Valley Ranch Camp)
September 10           Fall Kick-Off and BBQ


