Life on Mission – Continuing Forward

The wall is built, the people are united, and the hungry are being fed.  What’s next?

Since the beginning of March we’ve been following the story of Nehemiah as he has worked to bring health and vitality back to the city of Jerusalem.  Nehemiah has faced significant challenges and made significant sacrifices, but it has all paid off as Jerusalem has been transformed, but will it last?

Nehemiah knew his history; he would have known that Jerusalem had a pattern of intense devotion to God followed by complete abandonment.  So, what hope is there that all the hard work that Nehemiah put in would make any significant and lasting change?  I wonder if Nehemiah thought this?

Our world today isn’t that different than Jerusalem.  Sometimes as individuals we aren’t that different than Jerusalem. One moment we can be passionately devoted to God and the next we don’t have any time for him.

If we are going to live our lives on mission, everyday and everywhere we go, then how can we make significant and lasting change in our lives and in our world?  I hope you’ll join us this weekend and find out.

See you Sunday,


Pastor Kirk

Prayer Summit

Join us April 30 at 7pm for our next Prayer Summit.  We’ll be taking time to worship through song, learn about how you can hear God, and pray for each other and the country of Cuba.


Drop by the SAY YES booth in the lobby to find out what’s happening in Kids Ministry and how you can get involved in different ways such as praying regularly, cleaning toys or leading a small group. We’ve got a place for you to SAY YES TO KIDS!

Upcoming Events

  • May 3, Staff Training Day
  • May 7, Youth Parents’ Meeting
  • May 26-28, Kids’ MidWeek Camp
  • May 28, Prayer Summit
  • June 4, Taste of Summit 2017
  • July 10-14, Summer Kids Camp
  • August 21-25, Summer Soccer Camp
