New Beginnings


“He is risen!”

That was how a member of the early church would greet another member, to which the member would respond,

“He is risen indeed!”

Today, in the church, this is a customary greeting around Easter. In our church we typically start our Resurrection Sunday service with this greeting. For the early church though, this was a greeting every day of the year, that’s how important the early church considered the resurrection to be. Jesus’ resurrection was so important and central to their faith that early church members celebrated it every time they saw each other.  Do we look on the resurrection in the same way today?

I hope you are planning to join us this weekend as we remember and celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus!

On Friday we will take time to remember the great sacrifice that Jesus made for you and me.  Our Good Friday service will begin at 10:30 am with singing and conclude with a time of silent reflection and communion as we reflect on scripture and words spoken.

Then on Sunday at 10:30 we will celebrate the resurrection with music, baptisms and the story of Thomas’ encounter with the risen Christ in John 20:24-29.  Together we are going to discover what the early church knew; your life hinges on the resurrection.

He is risen!


Pastor Kirk

Please Note:  There will be childcare for children up to 2 years old and there will be activity boxes available for children up to grade 6.

Meet Daniel Ngo

Everyone is invited to meet Daniel Ngo on April 22 and 23.  Daniel will be joining the pastoral staff and working alongside Pastor Eric to provide leadership in our youth ministry.  Teens are invited to a special BIG event on April 22 at 7 pm at the church.  Parents are invited a meet and greet on April 23 at 4 pm at the church.  Daniel will also be interviewed during our morning service on Sunday, April 23.

Prayer Summit

Join us on April 30 at 7 pm for our next Prayer Summit.  This is a time to gather together as a church family and speak with God about the things on our mind and listen to what he wants to say to the church.

Upcoming Events

  • April 14, Good Friday Service
  • April 16, Baptism Sunday
  • April 16, Easter Sunday
  • April 20, Elders in Training
  • April 23, Youth Parents’ Meeting
  • April 28, Terminal Velocity (Youth)
  • April 28-30, Quiz Meet – Offsite
  • April 29, Vision Gathering
  • April 30, Prayer Summit
