Board of Elders Report – January 2022

The Board met on January 25, 2022. Pastor Kirk led us in a devotional time focused on the theme of peace. We find peace when we focus on Christ. Matthew 16:33, Philippians 4:6-7 and Galatians 6:2 remind us to bear each other’s burdens and help each other encounter the peace of Christ. The peace we have received from Christ is the greatest gift we can give someone, and he gives us more when we do.

The Board spent time interceding on behalf of our church family.

Our Shepherding Team and Board members will attend a Cultural Fluency seminar on March 26. Led by Dr. Charles Cook and Lauren Goldbeck from Ambrose University, the seminar equips our core leadership team to lead us to become an intercultural church, one where diversity is welcomed and celebrated. Our gatherings are a taste of what heaven will be like.

We received a report from our Finance Committee. Funds to cover our mortgage will be taken from the Going Beyond Fund until May 2022. Since the Going Beyond Fund is now closed, donations designated to this fund will be redirected to the Building Fund, which will be used to pay the mortgage beginning June 2022.

Our District’s Licensed Workers Retreat was held at Circle Drive Alliance in Saskatoon, February 7 – 10. District Retreat is an annual event to which we send our pastors. Pastors Curtis and Lily Dyck and Eric and Danielle Miller attended. 

The Family & Children’s Pastor position was posted to our website and other pastoral search websites at the beginning of January. It is expected that this search will take some time as qualified applicants are scarce and many churches are searching. We hope to have someone in place by July 1, 2022. Please pray with us that we will be guided to the right candidate.

Café Aroma reopened in January. We are trying out some new coffee from Michael’s Bakery in Arcola, featuring ethically sourced, freshly roasted ground beans from Central America.

Future Events for All – We encourage you to save the following date on your calendar:

April 22-24 – Engage Weekend – A weekend dedicated to equipping you for the local and global mission into which God invites us all. Special guests from the Desert Sand and Caribbean Sun regions will be flying in to speak at this event. Friday night will feature an international banquet, and Saturday will offer morning and afternoon seminars. Watch for details to come in the following weeks.

Our next Board of Elders meeting is scheduled for February 22.

Your Board of Elders:
Kevin Gatschene (Chair)
Rick Orban (Vice-Chair)
Shannon Vinter (Treasurer)
Gwendolyn Schroeder (Secretary)
Kirk Cowman (Lead Pastor)
Deji Oyetuga
