Global Impact


Have you ever visited a church in another country? Have you ever visited a church in a country that is not on this continent? What an amazing experience! I once spent an entire day in a gigantic cathedral in Bayeux, France. It was church but it was different. My understanding of what church is and what church might be had to expand. People were experiencing the person of Christ within his bride (The church) doing it in a way unfamiliar to me. Have you ever experienced this? The church looks different outside of Canada.

What the Canadian church has is good, but it is not the only option. God is moving in churches outside of Canada, places that do church differently.  I wish everyone at Living Hope could experience churches and Christians from other countries and other traditions. What an amazing experience! What an eclectic experience, a truly expanding experience!

This is why once a quarter we plan a Global Impact weekend. While we can’t take all of Living Hope to another country for a weekend, we can bring another country to Living Hope, so that we can see Jesus’ church from a different perspective and get a taste for what Jesus is doing through the church in another context. This might even inspire you and me to do something different, either here or in another country.

This weekend our guest speaker is Paul Ens, Seamless Link director for the Christian and Missionary Alliance Midwest District.  Paul is connected to missionaries all over the world and has a keen insight into what God is doing through his church in different countries. This is truly exciting. I invite you to come on Sunday and hear from Paul.


Pastor Peter

Annual General Meeting

Our Annual General Meeting is on Sunday, March 12.  A detailed look at our finances will take place at 9 am in the Vista Room.  We will have lunch together after the service (suggested donation $5/person or $20/family) with the annual meeting to follow at 12:45 pm in the auditorium.  This is a great opportunity to hear about what God is doing and where he is leading us as a church family.  We hope you will join us! Annual Reports will be available March 5.

Newcomers Lunch

Are you new to Living Hope?  We’d love to meet you and get to know you!  Join us for lunch after the service on March 5.

Alpha Marriage

We invite you to this 7-week Marriage Course, starting March 15. You and your spouse will discover new insights that will benefit your marriage. The evening begins with supper at 6 pm and runs until 8:15 pm.  Please sign up on the church website.

Upcoming Events

  • March 5, Newcomers’ lunch
  • March 12, Annual General Meeting
  • March 15, Alpha Marriage Begins
  • March 17-19 Legacy Youth Conference
  • April 7. 50+ Supper
  • April 14, Good Friday Service
  • April 16, Baptism Sunday
  • April 16, Easter Sunday
